Product delivery delays
Over the last 18 months or so I have experienced long delays (2 to 6 months back order) in getting new gear from Crown, JBL, and BSS. I am told by the vendors in the Los Angeles area that I deal with on a regular basis that this is an ongoing issue with Harman products. Can a company rep comment on this as to the cause and what solutions may be coming and when. I have several large projects pending in the next year and I am actively reviewing other products so I can avoid the shipping delays. This is disappointing because I have been a solid supporter of the Harman group of products for over 30 years. (obviously prior to Harman acquiring all the brands)
Hello @jbirkman and thanks for joining the forum. Harman has been doing a LOT of integration in the past year or so. We're in the process of combining our 11 individual brands into one unified company. To accomplish that, we've created Centers of Competency to house all of our domain expertise in the same building (i.e. audio, video & control, and lighting), shifted factories to better facilitate production, and the list goes on.
Some of our product delivery challenges have been related to those changes, and some have been results of worldwide component shortages that have affected quite a few manufacturers. I will apologize for the delays and encourage you to contact your Harman rep to discuss further. If I can do anything else for you here on the forum, don't hesitate to ask. Thanks again.
Rob, I would like to know how to reach out to my local (Los Angeles, CA, USA) Harman rep. When I speak to the vendors they don't seem to have very much information. The delays are now having an impact on my ability to schedule projects because delivery dates keep moving back. While I would be disappointed by a delivery date that is months away, it would be good to know so I can have my expectations set and plan accordingly.
Absolutely. I've sent you a private message to make that happen.