Digitech Forum, Is it gone for good?

Second or third time the Digitech forum has disappeared. I guess it's completely dead now.
I've moved on to Neural DSP Amp Sims, but still my GNX3000 is my go to.
It's amazing how the GNX3000 still sounds so good, I've tried to emulate my sounds on the Amp Sims but no success.
The 3k is an amp sim, and sounds excellent. Digitech should make a new unit.
Any way I guess it's finally the end of guitarworkstation.com I was going to try and register but Harmon is holding on to it for some odd reason.
Mr. Scary,
I cannot seem to get the help I want for my GNX 3000. Would you happen to have a copy of the software and drivers for this board that you can give to me?
@Mr_Scary @brucechidester Digitech has been acquired by Cortek (Cort Guitars). I would recommend reaching out to them for support.
I created video about Korg Minilogue XD and Digitech Studio S100. Of course the Digitech Studio S100 is classic processor but it is great effects. Many people want to buy S100-S200 on Ebay and Reverb.
Korg Minilogue XD + Digitech Studio S100
More information - https://progressiveaxleradio.com/korg-minilogue-xd
https://youtu.be/zi0PCnSa_9E <<
You can download from this page: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:be9M2dK9p7wJ:https://www.digitech.com/discontinued-products/GNX3000-.html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us