Intonato Eucon Control Possible?
I'm using the Intonato with an Avid Pro Tools system. I have an S6 as a Pro Tools controller. Is there any possibility to get the intonato to be controllable with the S6? Other monitor controller companies have made software that allows the S6 or any Avid eucon controller, control there monitor controller (Digital Audio Denmark made DADmon, Avid has there Xmon monitor software ect ect.). I think all you would have to do is Euconize the JBL Intonato software. I'm unsure how hard that is to do but if there is any interest at all, I can do the leg work with Avid.
To update this. I have contacted Avid an and in contact with Eddie Jones. He is the Avid Eucon Specialist. Just mentioning to him was encouraging. He said it wouldnt be hard to program. I know there is interest. I think JBL can sell the software for the same price as the desktop controller. Complete profit and gaining deeper compatibility with Avid can only help sales.