Hi All, Would two JBL PRX One's be enough for 250 people in a large ballroom? Could you get by with just one JBL PRX One or would that not be enough power? Also, for those that own the PRX One? What is your opinion of it? Do you like it? Have you been pleased with it? Is it reliable? Have you had any problems with it? (i.e. clipping, overheating, blowing?) Can you push it hard, and play it loud for hours at a time with dance, rap, top 40 etc., and not have to worry about it clipping or blowing on you? Can you use it outdoors? Does it have clear crisp highs, and punchy lows?
Thanks for your help! Scott
At least two
Two would be great for 250 people, if its a wedding reception or something similar, I would add 2 subs if you plan on going hard, us them for your mid highs and let subs cover the low end. If your ciipping and blowing speakers your putting too much strain on your speakers. More Sound More Speakers bottom line. The PRX Highs are Crisp, great full range sound.
PRX Speaker Link above.