EON One Compact and its associated app.
Posts: 8
i’m hoping that JBL hasn’t stopped with the updates with this system. if it works as advertised, it’s quite a robust and feature-rich experience. i’m starting this discussion for JBL to know that i’m here too and that i really want my system to work reliably, as it should!
so far, i’ve had issues with the bluetooth music playback aspects and with the app not recognizing the speakers.
some things that seem to help:
- frequent factory reset of speakers
- frequent “forgetting” of bluetooth connection
- open the app before turning on the speaker.
- if using two speakers, turn one on and link it first. then turn on the second one.
any other suggestions or thoughts, please post them. i will come back with more as my experience grows.
so far, i’ve had issues with the bluetooth music playback aspects and with the app not recognizing the speakers.
some things that seem to help:
- frequent factory reset of speakers
- frequent “forgetting” of bluetooth connection
- open the app before turning on the speaker.
- if using two speakers, turn one on and link it first. then turn on the second one.
any other suggestions or thoughts, please post them. i will come back with more as my experience grows.
We haven't stopped. We have a firmware update planned for fall, and we also plan to integrate the Compact into the JBL Pro Connect app.
I have problems when using BT Broadcast. After associating two JBL EON Compact units, the host unit does not appears in JBL Connect compact app any more, only remote unit is visible.
After factory reset I am able to link again to host unit, but as soon I associate again using BT Broadcast, same problem happens. Is there any plan to solve this problem (many similar reports on forum and youtube)?
Are you streaming and controlling from the same app?
I tested streaming from one device (iPhone 13) and controlling from another (iPad Pro).
Bonjour, j'ai le même problème que nambuco pour l'enceinte Host qui disparait de l'application, il pourrait y avoir une certaine logique si seulement l'enceinte Host restait affiché, et du coup contrôlerait les deux en parallèles en même temps, mais c'est trop demandé à JBL de faire quelque chose d'aussi simple.
C'est pénible pour des enceintes a ce prix la, alors que pour les enceintes grand public ça fonctionne très bien.
De plus, beaucoup de problème de coupure de son pendant la diffusion audio la encore les enceintes grand public ça fonctionne très bien..
C'est pas digne de la maque JBL de fournir au client un matériel soit disant professionnel qui ne fonctionne pas et sans aucun suivi.
autre chose quand avec le broadcast j'associe deux enceintes, on est bien d'accord que la première enceinte envoi le son à la deuxième, et bien si je branche un micro sans fil sur une entrée de l'enceinte Host, il ne se diffuse pas sur l'enceinte Remote. alors bien sur ça marche si on met un câble entre les deux, mais on perd tout l'intérêt du sans fil.
C'est vraiment du n'importe quoi!!!!
PS: Désolé pour mon agacement qui ce ressent bien je pense!!!!
> We haven't stopped. We have a firmware update planned for fall, and we also plan to integrate the Compact into the JBL Pro Connect app.
When will the Eon One Compact be integrated in to the Pro Connect app? I know it was planned for the first quarter of 2022 so just wondering how that is coming along. I use it as a monitor for the Eon One MKII quite often and it would be nice to use the same app for both. Also when will the fader jitter get smoothed out on the Eon One MKII? It would be nice to see the movement be real time and not an execution upon release of the finger. That is not ideal especially when trying to adjust vocals while avoiding feedback.
However . . . I cannot get TWS to work. Worked OK (but glitchy) on the old app. Any suggestions?