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What is goin on with the JBL PRO CONNECT APP

xlr8neoxlr8neo Posts: 1
edited June 2023 in JBL Pro Software

hi whatas going on with this app?
there are so many issues with it its totally not fit for for purpose and JBL seem to have gone missing since the last update.

Here are the main issues and descriptions of why its not for for purpose.

this pruduct and application was designed to remove the need to have a seperate mixer so the built in 8 channel mixer is an excellent idea in principle, as its a digital mixer also means less buttons/dials and a lower cost in theory.

huge problems in practice

the theory
imagine you are a live performer using backing tracks and your also playing guitar and singing .
1. bluetooth for backing tracks excellent idea. "no more wires!
2. app so you can control the speaker while at your ipad also excellent idea
3. button to dsisable effects so you an talk to audience also great idea

in practice
your singing and you need more vocal volume or less as your getting feedback
1. your using backing tracks so you tap on the pro connect app and have to wait 8 to 10 seconds for it to connect as it does not run in background mode durung ths time if your getting feed back, its nearly a total of 15 to 20 seconds bofote you can actiually adjust this.
2. assuming you or the audiance have not suffered permanent hearing loss from the feedback you move your finger down on the relevant slider and nothing happens or it moves so far the volime is to low and you need to turn it up again where you once again subject the audiance to more feedback than you had before as the slider jumps all over the palce.
3. this is the same for every single edjustment to need to make throught out the evening and the venue says sorry you were crap your equipment sucks and no more bookings.
4. Every time at the end of a song to disable effects so you can talk to the audience and select the next song as your swapping apps there is a 15 second delay before the app is usable and sometime the eccffects do not even switch off or on.

40 years as a performer and sound engineer this is the worst thought out app i have ever seen


  • TrevicusTrevicus Posts: 4
    Agreed, absolutely shocking app and functionality. To pay so much for a product and it be almost useless is a disgrace. I have retired mine and it gathers dust in the studio, less than a year old. Only reason I won’t sell is that I’m holding out hope that the fools behind the app make some of the absolute no-brainer fixes. I went from being JBL fanatic to complaining non-stop about them
  • kaltrinkaltrin Posts: 2
    Is it polible in next uppdate for prx one to include one chanel with the option to mute the pasthru for that chanel,so i can conect 2 prx one in a loop with pasthru and use 10 chanels of to mixers for live band.and please when you mute te master volume the pasthru shoul be muted also
    For exemple when i contect 2 prx one with passthru and i mute the master volume the second is still on
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