JBL PRX712 is quiter than PRX812
I’m user of JBL PRX815xlf and PRX812 tops, and also I have JBL PRX 715xlf and Prx712 tops connected to BEHRINGER X32 mixer. When I compare them I hear that set of PRX815xlf and PRX812 is louder for about 30-40% than set of PRX 715xlf and Prx712. On every loudspeaker knob for power is on maximum and from the mixer I set maximum level of Output.
From specifications of PRX700 and PRX800 I see that the amplifier is the same one and the max power is 1500W on each speaker, so I don't understand why set of PRX815xlf and PRX812 is louder for about 30-40% than set of PRX 715xlf and Prx712?