JBL Eon Compact One shutting down even when plugged into mains.
RE: Case Number - 15943382
Product: JBL Eon One Compact PA
Serial Number: T0013-MH041983
Many thanks for your email. As requested, I include above the Serial number of the Eon One Compact.
My query is in relation to the performance of the Eon One Compact, in particular with regard to the disconnection issue during an Event. The unit was connected to the Mains supply and XLR and Line inputs were "wired connections". The only remote connection was with the JBL App's Mixer. What might cause a disconnection? Also, does the Eon One Compact retain, in memory or otherwise, the last "Mixer settings" used, should you simply use the PA without using the JBL App ? If so, is this dependent on the Battery Level or is there a time limit?
The above questions are not covered in the User Manual.
I hope you can give me answers to the above as this has happened three time now during a live performance.
I have not received any reply to my email, hence I am raising it here.
Many thanks,
Kind regards