Should I get Ui24r in 2021?
Hi folks -
I'm on the verge of buying the Ui24r. Should I be bothered that the device has been on the market for four years now? Is there anything new on the horizon? Any experiences regarding the update cycle for Soundcraft mixers?
Any info/opinion is appreciated.
I don’t know next new one.
I bought UI24R at about a half year ago.
I found many bugs as if it’s beta versions...
Badly now I found they are not so responsive to bug fix.
Ui24R will likely be in production for the forseeable future. As with all technology buy when you need it and get as much use out of it as you can. Technology marches forward so there is always the possibility of new products from us or our competitors.
Thanks for the replies.
@HARMAN_Tder You're absolutely right of course. Thanks.
Could you give examples? I have on here, and besides some shipping damages (which is why I'll be sending this unit back anyway) I have also encountered some problems.