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Is it possible to get a Ui24R audio mix feed to a PC connected using the Ethernet connection?

I've been thrown into the deep end with the task to stream video using OBS along with an audio mix from the Ui24R. A PC is connected to the Ui24R via a direct Ethernet connection (~100ft away). I have the video side working, so now I wonder if I can pull Ui24R audio from the PC's line output. Someone else set up the Ui24R and PC a couple years ago, so I know very little about it, and at this point simply want to know if this simple approach is possible.



    Put another PC around the ui24R then connect them via USB cable.
    Actually the ui24r can work as a USB audio interface ( 32 in x 32 out ) for the PC.
    The audio signal routing is fixed as below.

    (Viewing From the PC side) in1___MASTER OUT L from ui24R in2 ___MASTER OUT R from ui24R in3___AUX1 OUT from ui24R : in10__AUX8 OUT from ui24R in11__ch01 direct out from ui24R

    in30__ch20 direct out from ui24R
    in31__LINE IN L direct out from ui24R
    in32__LINE IN R direct out from ui24R

    Thus, I guess those MASTER L/R is easy for you.
    You just send the audio signal from the USB to your main PC (have the OBS) via network connection.
    There are some apps for the purpose.
    Professional one is DANTE via but you can search many solutions even free cost, I guess.

  • Feature request:
    I would love to Pre-Fader Listen and Talk-Back over web-server > web-browser!


    "Put another PC around the ui24R then connect them via USB cable."

    So, coming out of the Ui24R digital out (the usb B/square one) can I do a wireless USB to a receiver on my iMac and skip the 50 ft of USB cable and booster, then select audio source in OBS?

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