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Re: Televic D-Cerno CUR Conferencer integration with Muse 2300
Unfortunately I'm pretty busy these days, so I can't assist too deep.....
In addition to the sample commands in the archive, here to show how the message is set together
02:con0000021O00000C00000000000000:{"typ":"CoCon","nam":"CoCon Emulator","ver":"0.01","inf":"","svr":0,"tim":""}
02 / Protocol ID
con / Type
0000 / id
02 / body type
1 / QOS
O / TX type
00000 / TX id
C / rx type
00000 / rx id
0 / Tx prop
0 / tx session
000 / room id
0000 / packet length
Not that easy, as transmitter and receiver (microphone) IDs must be used to target the message.
Most commands seem to be body type '02' (ASCII json)
packet length is not tracked, to can always be set '0000'
The whole instruction is ascii, between a STX and ETX
Tricky thing I found in Automator by another protocol is to put that STX (0x02 / $02) and ETX (0x03 / $03) around the ascii part. Find attached a function node I did (rename .txt to .json) that sets STX and ETX around the payload passed into the function. Maybe it could be done way much easier as I did, but I'm also still beginner in node-Red / Automator
For first testings, put the sample string as it is into an inject node as msg.payload of type string, go into the function attached, and from the function to a "tcp request" node. From the tcp request node, connect a debug node, to see the response from the Cerno