Sirius streaming device
I am looking for a hardware device that will stream Sirius Internet radio and can be integrated into AMX with either serial or IP so that I can get feedback. I need a simple solution for adding this streaming capability only to an existing system that does not have over-the-air reception. I don't want to go with a full media server like Request or Autonomics. Since this is time-critical, it would be great if I could find something that already has a module I can pop in, or at least a protocol that won't take days to implement myself.
Can anyone recommend something?
Can anyone recommend something?
Seriously though, what you ask for just doesn't exist. Solutions like ReQuest and Autonomic exist, and would probably not if there were something like what you describe.
I'd like to be wrong here, by the way, and would welcome better ideas that I'd use too.
Autonomic does make a smaller server, the MMS-2, but be prepared to edit the heck out of their module, it's not very well done. I know they can do better, because their Savant implementation is pretty good, but the AMX one ... well, let's just say it isn't.
John is right, there is no easy answer yet. Good market opportunity for someone.
Autonomic does make a smaller server, the MMS-2, but be prepared to edit the heck out of their module, it's not very well done. I know they can do better, because their Savant implementation is pretty good, but the AMX one ... well, let's just say it isn't.
John is right, there is no easy answer yet. Good market opportunity for someone.
My latest thoughts are to put in a receiver like a Marantz that has Sirius streaming capability and just use it for the Internet radio features. We'll see how that goes since I've not had good luck with their responsiveness when using streaming sources.
Anybody used another receiver brand that has a good (non on-screen) control protocol AND an Internet Sirius radio?