nexia volume control
I have another newbie question. I've been looking at the interface document for this nexia module that I downloaded, but can't seem to figure out how to control the volume. I think I need to use SEND_LEVEL to my virtual device, but don't know the string to send. The object in the nexia code I want to control has an instance tag of "VOL"
Also when calling presets, should I be calling AUDIOPROCPRESET-1 or AUDIOPROCPRESET-1001?
Any help would be appreciated.
I have another newbie question. I've been looking at the interface document for this nexia module that I downloaded, but can't seem to figure out how to control the volume. I think I need to use SEND_LEVEL to my virtual device, but don't know the string to send. The object in the nexia code I want to control has an instance tag of "VOL"
Also when calling presets, should I be calling AUDIOPROCPRESET-1 or AUDIOPROCPRESET-1001?
Any help would be appreciated.
The send command to Change the Volume is:
SEND_STRING dvNexia_01,"'SET ',ITOA(nDeviceIdNumber),' FDRLVL ',ITOA(cVolumeIDNumber),' ',ITOA(cLevelIDNumber),' -',ITOA(VolumeLevel),$0A"
More information see attachment:
The best thing to do is to pick a simple object (fader, mute, etc), connect to the Nexia using the designer, and then send the Nexia commands using Netlinx studio and watch the results.