Christie LWU 505 IP Control
Has anyone else been able to program this projector using IP? I have searched the manual for a comm port number, but none has been listed. I've tried 10000, 1025, and PJLink... all blocked by password. Any suggestions would be great.
Thank you.
Has anyone else been able to program this projector using IP? I have searched the manual for a comm port number, but none has been listed. I've tried 10000, 1025, and PJLink... all blocked by password. Any suggestions would be great.
Thank you.
Yes I can setup the TCP/IP portion of the projector, but you cannot set the control port. There is an option for PJLink.. but it's password protected and you cannot disable it. This wouldn't be a problem, but I cannot figure out how to use some netlinx code to submit the password when it prompts for it.
Might sound obvious but did you try to telnet to projector to control it ?
As suggested, you can use telnet from your pc to check it out.
Netlinx IP communications are not totally compliant with the telnet specification though it will work with many devices that claim to use telnet. If you can get telnet to work with the projector when using a PC but not with Netlinx IP communications, search the forums for some old threads on this question. Or, if you're a glutton for punishment, look up the telnet spec and write your program to be telnet compliant.
For a telnet client on your PC, if you don't have one you like, you can use Putty or the client that comes with Windows.