Samsung CCTV

We're looking at using Samsung IP CCTV cameras, so I'm testing integrating them to AMX.
Has anyone tried to view an IP stream (MJPEG over HTTP via Dynamic Image) on a touch panel?
I can't get this to work, hence me posting here
For our testing:
Samsung SNO-5080R
IP stream URLs I've taken from Samsung documentation:
http://<Device IP>/cgi-bin/video.cgi?msubmenu=mjpg
http://<Device IP>/cgi-bin/video.cgi?msubmenu=jpg
Strangely, the JPG stream will appear if I open it in TPDesign (double click dynamic image in software)
The MJPG stream gives me an "unexpected error".
Neither JPG or MJPG work when on the MXD-700 touch panel
We're looking at using Samsung IP CCTV cameras, so I'm testing integrating them to AMX.
Has anyone tried to view an IP stream (MJPEG over HTTP via Dynamic Image) on a touch panel?
I can't get this to work, hence me posting here

For our testing:
Samsung SNO-5080R
IP stream URLs I've taken from Samsung documentation:
http://<Device IP>/cgi-bin/video.cgi?msubmenu=mjpg
http://<Device IP>/cgi-bin/video.cgi?msubmenu=jpg
Strangely, the JPG stream will appear if I open it in TPDesign (double click dynamic image in software)
The MJPG stream gives me an "unexpected error".
Neither JPG or MJPG work when on the MXD-700 touch panel
I found that out the hard way trying to get an AXIS IP camera to work.
MJPEG stream would not work in TPD4, but once on a touch panel it worked fine.
Unfortunately it's not the same with Samsung
Hey Mark, Any luck with this? I too am trying to find the same info.
The commands you have listed are just that, commands....not the location of the stream, which I think, is what you and I need.
Protocol: HTTP
Host: <Device IP>
Path: cgi-bin
File: video.cgi?msubmenu=mjpg
user, password as and if needed
I've used similar formats on various cams and NVRs, but can't say I've verified it on a Samsung. If their documentation is correct, that is the correct format though.
Thanks Dave,
This is the info I have used also tried File: video.cgi?msubmenu=jpg. It works great in a web browser and it also works in TPD4 when you click on "Get Live" However when loaded to panel or iPad (TPControl) no video gets displayed. Could it be something else?
If anyone finds out something different please update me.
Got a project on with many of the SNV-6084R cameras and SRN DVR's. Thus far I get 404 errors when trying these URL's. Found a whole bunch of others on the link below but all give 404.
Struggling to even get Samsung Tech Win support to even understand what it is Im trying to do!
Set it to Streaming Source in properties of button.