Sony XBR-70x850b 4k TV - Control Options?

Well, we've downloaded the xdd file (from and setup the code to use it...and we get in to the menu of the TV to apply the necessary settings...and they do not exist! From page2 of the included PDF:
send_string dvDisplay01a, "'*SEPOWR################', $0a"
begets (at various baud rates, of course slightly different)
Any help?
SETUP BRAVIA TV 1. Set up network connections [Settings] -> [Network] -> [Network Set-up] 2. Enable Simple IP Control [Settings] -> [Network] -> [Home Network Setup] -> [IP Control] -> [Simple IP Control] -> [On]We've set the IP address and it shows up on a network scan, so we know that worked, but the menu does not allow us to go to a setting called SIMPLE IP CONTROL. When the module tries to connect:
Line 40 (15:03:11):: SocketConnection<,20060>Thread<SocketConnection<,20060>> createSocket: Connection refused Line 41 (15:03:15):: SocketConnection<,20060>Thread<SocketConnection<,20060>> createSocket: Connection timed out Line 42 (15:03:16):: DDD.handleTimerEvent: dpd didn't exist Line 43 (15:03:26):: SocketConnection<,20060>Thread<SocketConnection<,20060>> createSocket: Connection refusedAnyone worked with this monster before? We have turned on the serial port in the TV menu, but have not been able to make anything work on that side, either (protocol suggested by AMX):
send_string dvDisplay01a, "'*SEPOWR################', $0a"
begets (at various baud rates, of course slightly different)
String To [5001:6:10]-[*SEPOWR################$0A] String From [5001:6:10]-[$00$E0$00$00$00$E0$E0$00$E0$00$00$00$E0$E0] String From [5001:6:10]-[$00$E0$00$00$00$E0$E0]
Any help?
Support link:®ion_id=1&tab=download#/downloadTab
New firmware:
Cycling power after firmware update IS REQUIRED. Yes, it took a little frustration to figure this out.
And now, the TV and module are doing something, but nothing useful; Why do I keep hoping that IP control will work right out of the box??! Here is DEBUG-4 output (and my vdv event command to device 0 output, too):
Hopefully I will hear more from AMX on Monday...unless someone would like to shed some light
Thanks for looking
But I already sucessfully used the SSIP protocol to control a Sony FWD60W600P professional display.
Interesting is that your power command differs from what I sucessfully used:
There was no setting of hotel mode on this unit; we had to let the TV do it's automatic firmware update, then we were required to POWER CYCLE the TV before the firmware "took." Of course, this was not documented anywhere.
Slight update: the module is talking to the TV, but not very well. AMX is still researching... As you can see, there is a lot of chatter, but the module is still not communicating properly.
'SET BAUD 9600,N,8,1'
"$8C,$00,$01,$02,$01,$90" //POWER STANDBY ENABLE
"$83,$00,$00,$FF,$FF,$81" //POWER QUERY
"$8C,$00,$00,$02,$01,$8F" //POWER ON
"$8C,$00,$00,$02,$00,$8E" //POWER OFF
"$8C,$00,$02,$03,$04,$02,$97" //HDMI 2
Oh, cool. Thanks for that. The RS232 port on this set it an 1/8 inch mini...I hate to make an assumption, so electrically, on the TV: which is TX, RX, and GND?
Do you have other serial commands for HDMI1 or HDMI3? Is there a document that goes in to more detail? Perhaps some discussion on feedback?
Thanks again!
Before using, must turn set on manually and send the 'POWER STANDBY ENABLE' command.
PHSJason: That works great. Thanks for the protocol. Now to whip up a proper module...
Note: the link to integration pros did not work.
I will say that the TV does have a little weirdness
1. Upon bootup, we needed to wait 11 seconds before issuing an input command
2. During the warmup cycle; sending input commands resulted in no response
That's neither unusual or bad. I've seen *IR* devices that needed as long as 15-20 seconds to respond to a command after power on. It's not so common anymore, but I typically have to give a TV at least 10 seconds. To minimize the impact on what the end-user sees, I'll often switch to the most commonly used input on the power off, so when it comes back on, it's more likely not to need an input change and the customer sees their material as soon as it lights up.
The stupidest thing is getting into the menu to set the setting. Smart TVs have gotten too smart for me! After that, it was a piece of cake. The actual command structure begs the question, "is that really necessary?" but whatevs, it works and works consistently.
The docs say something about dropping inactive connections after 30 seconds but I have not seen it drop a connection at all, yet. I left a manual telnet session open for several hours and it never dropped, I've got my auto-poll running in code every 2 minutes, there's no lag in response or connection issue.
Attached is the IP control doc they gave me in case someone else comes looking for it.
Sorry to dredge up an old thread. but if anyone has any working ip code they wouldn't mind sharing with me for the Sony Bravia series please PM me. What I think I am struggling with is defining the PSK constant when doing the ip communication include. I can't seem to talk to this tv through netlinx but curl and commands from the display_control.html do work over ip just fine from a pc.
Sony wrote several IP drivers for the XBR line in 2020 - have you tried those? They are in the module download area at!/searchresult?manufacturer=sony&model=xbr
Yes I did try those, I think the issue I'm having is establishing the communication. the xdd module doesn't seem to do anything.
Just to be sure: You can't use an .xdd module like a regular duet module. Have to instantiate in differently. You probably now that, but doesn't hurt to check
yes, that's why I was asking for some examples, because the ones in the document don't seem to articulate it well.