Sending Email from NI3100
I am wondering if anyone has sent emails from AMX controllers lately. AMX used to have i-Equipment but I think it is not longer being used. I looked at the latest programming doc - it has SMTP_SEVER_CONFIG_SET and I tried them with gmail - it does not work. I looked forums but not helping me. Thank you.
One path is using your client's email server. By doing this you avoid all the wierd port blocking that can happen on some ISPs like AT&T and Comcast. They do allow you to connect to other mail servers but you ahve to jump through a lot of hoops to get there. it can take a lot of tweaking and work to get it going. but, once it does, it works. (until your client changes ISPs)
the other is manage your own mail server. This way is more stable and manageable. But, it is more work. YOu can do things like use unusual ports, thus avoiding ISPs blocking them and so forth. Also, you can make extreme limits on who can access the server - thus eliminating spam.
Hi kennyaan, I have now the same problem you were facing before, could you please share an example with me that could help me send mail to my AMX ni700
if anyone can help, really, I will appreciate a lot. I need to send a text to my AMX controller.