New Axis cameras dynamic image

I replaced an older Axis cam on a job with a new Axis M3026 camera and I can't get the MJPG dynamic image om my TPs. I've tried various settings with no luck, went through the Axis VAPix v3 doc and multiple google attempts. I was able to get a still pic but no video stream. The job has 9000i's and 5200i's. I've been trying through TPD4 and I know that doesn't often work on certain streams like the met-ecoms (go figure) and I've made a few attempts via control device using ^RMF commands.
Any help would be appreciated.....
Any help would be appreciated.....
The new panels support H264 video I think so maybe I can use that instead on future installs, does anybody do that?
Have you tried telnetting into the panel with the image showing and doing msg on debug? It should tell you where the problem is. It could be the HTTP 1.0/1.1 issue, but could also be firmware related. I assume you can get the stream to show up in a browser, and are using the same path/file etc for the dynamic image.
I tried implementing video preview when the X series came out using a third party (non AMX) H.264 encoder (multicast). The rendering would start smoothly and then rapidly slow down and become pixelated while my laptop would show a perfectly clean stream. I don't know if later firmware updates on the X series have fixed this behaviour.
It is also my understanding that Axis put a custom header or wrapper on their video streams which makes it somewhat proprietary and prevents third party decoders playing nicely with them. YMMV, however I wouldn't go ahead and quote a job using X series panels to display H.264 streams from Axis cameras without trying the setup on the bench first.
I also received errors at some point that the end of file couldn't be found. I then noticed on an existing camera that used to work that only the small picture (res190x120) worked on the multi cam page but going to the larger single image didn't which makes me think it's maybe file vs buffer size issue in the current fw since I know it used to work. Now with the new camera I found that the still image wouldn't show on the TP but would in TPD4 but if I removed the user/pass and allowed anonymous logins on the camera it would work. I then tried the video stream URL with the anonymous login and now that worked but not if dynamo was selected so I left it set with dynamo off and a refresh of 1 with no login.
I did read somewhere on the forum that a Samsung (i think) camera also would work only with an anonymous login which is why I eventually tried it and while I don't like leaving it this way, I have no choice at this point until AMX fixes their Jfif handlers and I'm not going to hold my breathe for that.
It really sounds like its more an Axis issue than AMX. Hard to say I suppose, without delving into the stream itself. Have you contacted Axis about this issue?