RMS SDK 4.3.17 is corrupted

This SDK 4.3.17 has a corruption in the CUSTOM_EVENT's CUSTOM.ENCODE string.
When you use STRING_TO_VARIABLE on this version you will get an CIpLibrary::String_To_Variable - Error -1.
Which is " -1 = Decode variable type mismatch" and that gives me the conclusion that the string in the custom_event created by the RmsNetLinxAdapter_dr4_0_0.jar is corrupt.
Use the previous SDK 4.3.12 until another release fixes this.
When you use STRING_TO_VARIABLE on this version you will get an CIpLibrary::String_To_Variable - Error -1.
Which is " -1 = Decode variable type mismatch" and that gives me the conclusion that the string in the custom_event created by the RmsNetLinxAdapter_dr4_0_0.jar is corrupt.
Use the previous SDK 4.3.12 until another release fixes this.
What is your character encoding set to? Which structure is being decoded when you see this error message?
I fixed it with erasing the masters completely and start fresh.
There is a bug when there are no bookings in current month.
(19:28:55.731):: Command To [41001:1:1]-[?SCHEDULING.BOOKINGS.SUMMARY.DAILY-06/5/2015,2]
Will return nothing except in the diagnostics window
(19:28:56.117):: 2015-06-06 19:28:56,748 ERROR [Timer-0] com.amx.rms.client.netlinx.adapter.result.impl.Sch edulingBookingsSummaryDailySuccessHandlerImpl - run(): dailyCount is null
I've got a JIRA ticket in devs on this and I've recieved a test pre update which fixes this issue.
New version is going to be released rather soon of what I've heard.
Also good to know is there are specific NI (4.3) and NX (4.4) releases of RMS SDK.
Don't do what I did and neglect to update Studio, I grabbed the 4.4 SDK for the NX masters and got major compile errors because I was running on an old version of NS4 that didn't play nice with the new SDK. Namely "rmsclient is not a valid module type" even when I didn't declare that jar as a module in my code.