Help crahses NSX4

G'day all,
Is anyone else having the issue that when they try to use help in NSX4 it crashes?
It crashes for me >90% of the time.
Very frustrating!!
Is anyone else having the issue that when they try to use help in NSX4 it crashes?
It crashes for me >90% of the time.
Very frustrating!!
Yes, I have the same problem (using Windows 10 but I saw this problem with Windows 8.1 as well). Here is my workaround which I know I saw a similar answer in another topic thread,
1. Using File Explorer, go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\AMX Control Disc\NetLinx Studio 4"
2. Right- Click on "NetLinx-Keywords.chm" and Left-Click "Send to" and "Desktop (creates shortcut)".
3. Repeat Step 2 for "NSX.chm"
4. Repeat Step 2 for "Standard_NetLinx_API.chm"
5. Close File Explorer.
6. Whenever I Open NSX4, I open those three help files from the desktop shortcuts and I no longer have the help related crashes.
But, that is one of the major issues I saw when attempting to update to Win 10. I also so NS4 crash in compile quite a bit.
I've made a habit of just referring the NetLinx Language Reference Guide [pdf] as this appears to be kept up to date as some of the new builtin methods have been coming available.
However, checking it today, I can't get it to crash for any reason. Even using the search function from inside help seems OK, and that used to be a 100% crash for me.
Maybe a recent update (possibly in windows itself) fixed it?