Dealer website viewing problems with Firefox

Does anyone else is having problems viewing the AMX dealer site (select 'dealer site' at the bottom of te main site) with Firefox?
The site doesn't work at all, just an error message form Firefox, something about violation of a network protocol.
This has been this way for a week or so.
The site does open with Edge, though.
Using Firefox 50.1.0 on windows 10
The site doesn't work at all, just an error message form Firefox, something about violation of a network protocol.
This has been this way for a week or so.
The site does open with Edge, though.
Using Firefox 50.1.0 on windows 10
And, yes, I also noticed long delays when posting here. Longer than a minute is possible. The page displays 'working...' at the top and nothing else seems to happen. The last time I posted it timed out after a couple of minutes with an error message from the forum software, but the post did go through. I do not hope that this means were going back to the speed from a couple of months ago. Ouch,
Firefox 50.1.0 also happens after uninstalling flash...
Something changed and they haven't noticed!
I generally use Chrome. I just checked both my saved link directly to the trade site and then by going to the public facing site and navigating via the Trade Site link and it worked fine. I am running Windows 7. So far it's sounding like the issue pops up with later versions of Windows.
So it works for me!
You're right! thanks for the tip!
I found that on the AMX main site there are three links to the trade site; one that works and two that don't.
The small text links on the bottom of the page, under the heading 'Trade Sites" do not work; they link to '
The large coloured 'button' just above the text area on the bottom does work; it links to
Someone probably just forgot to update the links correctly, I guess.