with new website rollout
Hoping someone at Harman will read this and be able to provide an answer, but since the new website, no longer functions as it used to. I wonder if this may be something they'll reinstate? I understand that it's still available via, and that the original URL redirects to it via 301, but I think most NetLinx code that uses it probably it's written to deal with redirects. I personally don't rely on it a lot, but I know that it was preached in some classes many years ago as a reliable source that would be safe to use, so it could affect some folks.
That's what I meant. Netlinx should handle the redirect fine.
This may well be something a bit more esoteric and kludgey in that by definition, the proper return for a redirect should look nothing at all different to the client side. HTML 5 even still calls for no change in redirect headers. The whole point is to cut down on the chatter and clutter of the possible tens or even hundreds of hops that can occur to get from point A to B. But, that's the great thing about standards: there are so many to choose from.