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Program port on NI-3100

I bought a NI-3100 on ebay and first thing I did was connect a serial cable from computer COM1 to Program port on NI-3100, using NULL modem. Then it connected and I set IP address and also went to telnet and issued command reset factory, to set back to factory defaults. Then rebooted. I then was unable to connect via serial. Is there a setting somewhere allowing a serial connection?


  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    what was the baud rate of the initial connect? It resets back to 34200 by default. also, can you see it via web browser on the network?
    The Baud rate is 38400, also I can access Master from the browser in which I can set the System Security Details(which if set and u use Telnet makes u enter user/pass if enabled). I want to know if I have to set anything for RS232 access to allow the Program Port to be used. . The dip switch is set for baud 38400 , which is pins 1-5 down and 6,7,8 are up. So from the web control screen which I can access the Master, do I need to set something in tab WebControl, Security or System to get the Program port to work again?
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    Only setting for the program port access is SECURITY - the tab in the web interface to turn on security. I always uncheck the TERMINAL (232) port, the programming port, from security, as I trust someone close enough to plug in to the back... and prevent a permanent lockout if the password is lost.
  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    I had my programming port fail on my old NI-3100. Usually if the baud rate is wrong, you'll still see some gibberish. I never use it so I never bothered looking into why it failed, but its probably not hard to fix. Bad cap or something...
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