Christie LHD720i-D module

Greetings all.
It has been quite a while since I have been in the forum. I'm not a high level programmer but know enough to get into trouble.
I've been scouring the AMX website looking for a module for the ChristieDigital LHD-720i-D projector and can't find anything useful. Any help pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated. Apparently a module exists - somewhere!
We have had the system programmed (by a much better programmer than me) but the client just asked for a feature to be added. If I can find the channels for "freeze" and "unfreeze" I can add those buttons to the TP and make our programmer's life easier. He is busy and sometimes hard to track down.
He's done a great job for us right now and if I can help by getting the "little bits", I'm sure he would appreciate it.
Help is welcome.
Hi PyroGuy,
This is the beautiful thing about SNAPI! If the other programmer used a standard AMX module for control, the channels you're looking for are:
213 = PIC_FREEZE (cycle when activated) or
214 = PIC_FREEZE_ON (discrete, freeze on when activated)
If you look in the Standard NetLinx API help file, these are listed under Devices > Video Projector. Now if he wrote his own module, you may have to work out with him how he implemented the freeze functions.
Hope this helps!
Modules can be found at -> support -> downloads -> search device modules
There is a Duet Module for the ChristieDigital LHD700 from 10/27/2015 .
I'll guess that more than likely this will work for the 720i as well.
Module, example code and the module API guide are in the zip download.
Hey @PyroGuy !
If @KielL's tips don't work, give us a call in support and we can find out what module your programmer used. Since there isn't a "LHD-720i-D" module exactly they have either created their own module or used an existing module for another Christie model -- if I had to guess I would put my money on the LDH700 module located here.
Thanks all for the quick responses. I had almost forgotten speed at which this forum works!
I'll check out everything that has been suggested. The suggestions from KeilL might be just the thing.
Harman_icraigie's info about the existing LHD 700 will probably be useful as well.
I said, this project is not something we were prepared to tackle on our own, but the programmer is very good - and very busy. I just want to be respectful of his time!
Thanks again!