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IR Record with WinLirc

Has anyone used WinLirc to capture IR codes? I need one set of hex codes for an IR file for a Samsung display. It has a USB input (also called Media Play). I want a direct input code. Everything else is working.
I built an IR receiver and installed WinLirc. I can see the signal with IR Graph and I recorded hex codes with IR Record but they are only 4 sets of hex. What I get for the media input is 0000 0000 e0e0 31ce. That doesn't do anything for me in IR Edit. Is that a Pronto code? For number 1, I get 0000 0000 e0e0 20df; number 2, 0000 0000 e0e0 a05f.
I already checked remotecentral. That's where I got the other hex codes that work.


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Harman Integrated Technologies Group (ITG) Posts: 0
    edited November 2018

    At InfoComm 2018, Global Cache launched a new online IR database that may be of assistance to you: https://irdb.globalcache.com/

    The appleTV file I used as a test contained several commands that I did not know were available and were quite useful.

    A quick search showed two different USB Input commands are available to try.

  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,744
    edited November 2018

    Hi Chris!
    Actually the Global Cache' "Control Tower" has been up for several years and has been a terrific asset to us and our dealers. The depth and accuracy of their collection is remarkable and much appreciated.

  • TUTechTUTech Posts: 70

    Thanks. Still waiting for an email with the code. The Wiselink/Media Play function is Samsung function 140. That is the one I tried. It works on one of the TVs at work but not at home. I'll see what happens with the other code.

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