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NI-3000 and NI-700 on same network

I have a NI-3000 which controls my home theater with two touch panels, the main is a MVP-8400 and a NXT-CV7, used as a spare touch panel. I also have a NI-700 which I bought only to test code on.

How can I set the NI-700 so that it's not recognized only by my NXT-CV7 touch panel for testing new code?
Both NI's and touch panels will be on the same network.

Thank you, dsmith


  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745

    Set the two to different system numbers. Or use URL in your panel SYSTEM SETTNGS and tell it what IP to talk to. Covered in the documentation.

  • dsmithdsmith Posts: 30

    Thank you John

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