Error when logging out.
Thomas Hayes
Posts: 1,164
Hello All
Has anyone been getting an error when logging out?
Has anyone been getting an error when logging out?
Yes, I get an error every time I log out and in fact have to clear the cookies and then logout again (3 steps). It has been this way since they converted to the new web site. I am using Netscape 7.2 with cookies enabled - no different than with the previous web site when it worked just fine.
-IE 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519
-Netscape 8.1
I haven't had any issues of any sort with logging in and out. What other browsers are yout's guys using? Can I get some specifics on the error? I can't duplicate and without that . . . throw me a bone people.
The error is a vBulletin page saying there was an error in performing the action. I has a link to click which gives you the optiojn to delete your cookies. If you click that link, you are loggedout. If you don't, you remain logged in.
For future reference please state whether the problem is with or
Also I moved AMX Chat to the menu bar on the left. This was a fix for the menus not popping down on some sub forums.
Is there a benift to acutally clicking LogOut? Just wondering...
1. More than one person use the computer, or you are at a computer that you do not normally use
2. You are worried about someone using your account to read/post
Logging out clears the login cookies so that when you return to amxforums, you are required to log in again.