Whole House Audio...
So in an AMX system with distruted audio (lets say 16 zones), do most people use an off the shelf system (Netstreams, Russound, Niles, whatever) or build it themselves via a matrix switcher like the AutoPatch 18x18 route? I am planning the autopatch route but wanted to see if there is a "norm" for people out there.
We always go the AutoPatch Matrix Swithing Route. Installs go smoother, Integration is tighter and our clients have an "ala carte" type choice of source equipment. Our latest hurdle however has been the new Mio-DMS Keypads. We have had to do lots of re-coding to all of our modules. We are trying not to sell to many PLK-DMS keypads because we are not sure how long AMX will continue to offer them. AMX as of late has been notorious for just yanking product production out from under us. i.e., mic hubs, and AS16 switchers. We are still waiting on a new intercom solution. Until AMX comes up with a product we are installing ELAN Communication modules right next all the AMX gear. "Rib Rib, Hint Hint"
As for a stand alone system with some integration we only really use them on small projects and that is not our market so they are few and far between.
We have gone with the that small AutoPatch piece for a very small (2-3 zones) commercial job, and that was okay. I didn't like the fact that it didn't have unsolicited feedback, but other than that - it was okay.