Control of MARANTZ DV12S2
Has anybody of you ever controlled MARANTZ DV12S2 (DVD Player) by RS232?
I wrote a code, following the RS232 command table; all the commands work properly but the POWER ON command !!!
The RS232 protocol of DV12S2 is the same of the MARANTZ DV8400 RS232 protocol, of which AMX web-site provides a Source module.
Again, the RS232 commands of this module work properly but the POWER ON command !!!
Cable pinout is: 2-3,3-2,5-5,7-7,8-8
Any suggestion?
Thank you
I wrote a code, following the RS232 command table; all the commands work properly but the POWER ON command !!!
The RS232 protocol of DV12S2 is the same of the MARANTZ DV8400 RS232 protocol, of which AMX web-site provides a Source module.
Again, the RS232 commands of this module work properly but the POWER ON command !!!
Cable pinout is: 2-3,3-2,5-5,7-7,8-8
Any suggestion?
Thank you
All that said, I have had trouble with Marantz serial communications falling off line, and have not been able to determine the exact cause. When it happens, I have to power the Marantz down to make it talk again. Fortunately, it is relatively infrequent.
- Chip
the RS232 protocol says nothing about a setting for accepting POWER ON. I will look the manual carefully
DVD Player switches off automatically when it is in STOP state.
Browsing inside DVD menus, I didn't find a setting for avoiding that.
That 's the reason I need to send the Power ON Command
Still looking for a solution
Again, thank you
Also, if you look at the documentation for the Philips 175, it is the identical unit with the same problem. I don't know why these manufacturers would go through the trouble of putting a 'Karaoke' command in the unit, but no 'Power On'.
Like icraigie mentioned above, you are better off using a VSS2 and IR control.
Have you tried issuing a play command as a discrete on? Works on most DVD players.
// This pinout must be wrong... if 2-3 are swapped so are 7-8
// wrong???
Cable pinout is: 2-3,3-2,5-5,7-7,8-8
// Correct????
Cable pinout is: 2-3,3-2,5-5,7-8,8-7
Give a search in the manual. If the problem persists, I can contact the Marantz Tech Support. (I work also in the Marantz National Distribuitor here in Brazil)
I was just thinking that too. ANything that says anything like "economy mode," or "power savings mode" has a good chance of shutting down the port when it's off. You know, after all, how much power those things can burn up if you leave them on! [/sarcasm].
I spoke with one of thier engineers on the phone about this. I told him that the RS232 chip/driver could literally run on a watch battery for a year and that there was no valid reason or science that shutting down the port saves any reasonable amount of energy. He made some comment about the world being run by sales weasles.