Updating AXT-CA10 firmware
in AMX Hardware
I'm trying to update an AXT-CA10 panel to the latest firmware. Panel is currently at v3.50b. Board is FG950, serial 950-30-xxxx.
Problem: Using Netlinx Studio, when I select Firmware Transfers, Send to Axcess Device, Query for devices, my devices show up fine until I click on the firmware file I downloaded (952d512m.tsk). Once I click it, all of the devices in the left-hand "device" pane disappear.
Any ideas?
I'm trying to update an AXT-CA10 panel to the latest firmware. Panel is currently at v3.50b. Board is FG950, serial 950-30-xxxx.
Problem: Using Netlinx Studio, when I select Firmware Transfers, Send to Axcess Device, Query for devices, my devices show up fine until I click on the firmware file I downloaded (952d512m.tsk). Once I click it, all of the devices in the left-hand "device" pane disappear.
Any ideas?
Hope it helps
Thank you for the reply. Actually, those are the exact firmware files I've been trying to use. No luck... Is Netlinx Studio incorrectly deciding there are no devices on the bus appropriate for the selected firmware files?
Something you can check also is serial indicated in Setup of panel, as it has been perhaps repaired and board exchanged, and it could explain issues for upgrade
I'll try Softrom and/or a direct RS-232 connection and see if that helps. I was mainly concerned that doing so could break the panel. I once wrote an incorrect boot rom to an AXB-TMC with Softrom and rendered the device useless, so I was thinking Netlinx could be employing some sort of protection mechanism to prevent me from writing firmware to a panel I shouldn't. I'd hate to screw up the panel.
Softrom as NetLinx Studio are supposed to prevent download of firmware or boot firmware in wrong device. The most bad thing is to reload a boot firmware and that it crashes because in that case your device is virtually dead. If it's only main firmware, most of time you can restart download of firmware
- Chip
Ryan - Use a null modem cable between your serial port and the port on the touchpanel, then update with Softrom. I updated the firmware first, then the boot firmware second. After both were done I had to completely power down the panel & power it back up before it "recognized" the new firmware. Panel took a good 3 seconds to come back after I plugged it in; scared me for a moment, but come back it did and it's fully updated now.
Thanks to all for the assistance! I'll stick with Softrom when updating these older devices from now on.