TPD3 WebInterface

I just started programing on AMX a couple months ago, so my experience is still really short. I spend some time reading all I can from your posts here, wich are very helpfull, altho I'm kinda stuck at the moment.
I'm trying to make a web interface with TPD3.
I was able to do it, and load it to the controller, a NXI (quite old already), altho I got a couple of problems.
I can't have more then 1 pc accessing the webpage on the controller. When the second pc tries to connect, he gets an error on the bottom of the Java window, saying "Login error".
I don't know if it's the controllers limitation, the software's limitation or my skills limitation.
Another problem is that I'm not able to send Variable text to that page. I can change Feedback on the buttons but not the text on it. I know that this is possible on the touch pannels (G4 at least), but never tried in this kind of interface.
Would apreciate alot your help on this situation, wich I understand it might me a little noobish.
Thank you
I just started programing on AMX a couple months ago, so my experience is still really short. I spend some time reading all I can from your posts here, wich are very helpfull, altho I'm kinda stuck at the moment.
I'm trying to make a web interface with TPD3.
I was able to do it, and load it to the controller, a NXI (quite old already), altho I got a couple of problems.
I can't have more then 1 pc accessing the webpage on the controller. When the second pc tries to connect, he gets an error on the bottom of the Java window, saying "Login error".
I don't know if it's the controllers limitation, the software's limitation or my skills limitation.
Another problem is that I'm not able to send Variable text to that page. I can change Feedback on the buttons but not the text on it. I know that this is possible on the touch pannels (G4 at least), but never tried in this kind of interface.
Would apreciate alot your help on this situation, wich I understand it might me a little noobish.
Thank you
I don't believe the G3 web control supports variable text. I'm not 100% certain of that, but it's what I recall.
As far as I know, you can't do variable text on a G3 web panel. Real panel = yes. Web panel = no
Variable text works like a champ on a G3 web panel but you have to use the !T SEND_COMMAND. The ^TXT SEND_COMMAND won't work.
And it is a perfect example of the flaws of AMX's website tech note arrangement. I did a search for "G3 web control," "G3 Web," and "multiple G3," and came up blank with each one. How the heck am I supposed to know to search for "Internet Inside," especially since they abandoned that terminology in favor of "Solutions" some months ago. I find it extremely frustrating that to actually find something on that site you have to already know exactly what to look for ...which is why I'm searching in the first place, I don't!
Indeed that Tech note was a hard one to find, I also looked with similar keys as you did DHawthorne and had no results. Thank for the link Jeff it really worked out perfectly
Altho I got a little confused on sendinf VT to the web pannel.
Indeed !T and ^txt do not work
But I don't know how to use "Text-" or @TXT commands.
If anyone would be so kind of posting the syntax for those commands, I would very much appreciate.
This will send Hello to a button with address code 1
SEND_COMMAND dvTP, "'!T',1,'Hello'"
You can find the syntax for all commands in AMX-PI, a great resource.
Well I don't understand why, but atm '!T' is also working as well as @TXT and "TEXT"
Thank you for your help.
I didn't knew about the AMX-PI either, just downloaded it after a search about it. So thank you again ;D
Have fun.
I'd agree, its time to restructure the technotes. I mean, there's not so many of them you couldn't at the VERY least just have the ability to browse them in order. If you could browse them by subject that'd be even better . . . .
Do a Keyword search for TN and that returns a majority of them in order. I learned that tip from a post by Joe (not me Joe, just Joe) on the forum a long while back.