BACNET - HVAC Control Interface
Has anyone had the occasion to interface a AMX system to a Bacnet HVAC or lighting system? I've got a client that is requesting this. Bacnet is apparently as standardized control interface for HVAC and lighting systems. I've been researching this online but was curious if anyone had tried to do this before.
If anyone has any knowledge of this interface and the process of tieing a control system to it, please e-mail me offline. Or if you know that it's not possible, I'd like to know that as well.
Sheldon Samuels
e-mail: sheldon at ipsresources dot com
If anyone has any knowledge of this interface and the process of tieing a control system to it, please e-mail me offline. Or if you know that it's not possible, I'd like to know that as well.
Sheldon Samuels
e-mail: sheldon at ipsresources dot com
What I know is that the protocol itself is open documented, but the data overhead of the BACnet protocol is too large and the load is too high to program a module in NetLinx directly, if you have to manage a whole building. So some kind of gateway is required, wich will filter the essential data from the backbone. Maybe it can be done if it is just one unit on the BACnet.
We did some research some time ago, but stopped it as we found that a gateway is required. Our "workaround" at the moment is to work wither in the subsystems if possible, or to use an OPC module we did, because in most BACnet applications, an OPC server is also available.
We have a LON gateway solution for AMX.
Here's the datasheet:
For more technical information please send me a private message.
AMX wrote a comm module for us, and then I did up a UI for our specific applications. By the end of it I knew way more about the MetaSys than I ever wanted to....
I suggest talking to David Harrison in Dallas.
Find out if your HVAC contractor can provide a BACNET to Modbus interface. The Modbus protocol is much easier to manage. This is my personal opinion based on a number of HVAC projects that I programmed a few years ago.
We have a BACnet netlinx module currently modified to talk to Daikin AC. Please refer to Thread for details.
I wrote a NetLinx BACnet Interface five years ago and it has been successfully used by a number of projects since then. It operates as a BACnet Client and can read and write to points (single or multiple per command), Create and Read/Write Schedules, Subscribe to ChangeOfValue Notification with the APIs currently provided. The API set also includes all the lower level calls required to create almost any command you can think of. The module does not support send/receive of segmented packets, but so far there hasn't been any need to. The connection to the BACnet devices is made using UDP/IP and can communicate with MS/TP devices connected across multiple BACnet routers. The default module configuration can communicate with up to 125 devices. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2001 was adhered to in the development of the modules. If you are interested, I can be contacted at:
We have used Larry's modules on 3 projects now and the biggest difficulty for us is getting the HVAC company to understand what information we need from them. i.e. device instance numbers and what not. Also the first moment something does not work they want to point the finger at the AMX control system. So far every problem we have ran into has been a setup issue in the HVAC contractors equipment.
We have successfully interfaced to an Alerton BTI100 and two Tridium JACE controllers using Larry's modules.
I have also used this method successfully.
I'm working on a project where I need to control 3 Air Handler Units by setting set-points and reading space sensor values. I was wondering if anyone had any Modules written or information regarding talking to a BACnet Gateway such as a FieldServer Device.
I have a project currently using MODBUS, but BMS being swapped out. Builder can provide MODBUS interface, but, would prefer BACnet/IP.
Is it possible to obtain a copy of your module? If so what would the cost be?
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for integration of HVAC brands such as DFaikin, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Panasonic, LG etc' . you can also look at CoolMaster. It has already a built in driver in MAX database and doen't required any additional interfaces on the HVAC side...