lost password
in AMX Hardware
During initial setup through the web I set an administrator password. Went to infocomm and today can not remember the password or did something go wrong? Is there a way to reset to factory settings? I can not connect through serial either without the user name and password. HELP!!
I just had this happen except it was a used one I bought, and luckly it still was under warranty so I was able to send it in.
Good luck!
No chance.... there's no way to reset security if you don't have any admin access to terminal or webserver. This security setup is saved in a flash chip, not on CompactFlash, so it will also not help to replace the CF. From positive point of view, this is a secrity feature...
Only AMX can reload that flash chip.
Wasn't there a way once upon a time to turn off security if you had RS232 access to the master? Is there anyway to downgrade to this firmware, even if it involves pulling the compact flash card to load it? Failing that I'm also trying to brute force the password through the web interface. Ultimately I don't really need the admin password for what I'm doing, it's just kind of annoying.
Not yet, but it's an ME260 (not a 64) so I'm pretty sure it's not covered. I'm also waiting to hear back from the person who I bought it from to see if they have the password. And as a last resort I'm trying to brute force the password through the web interface. The NetLinx FTP account is still intact with the default password, so with any luck the admin user is still administrator.
Try the command:
setup security
It's not in the list of functions, but its there on most firmwares I've personally dealt with. That will bring you to a new list of commands. One of which is to reset the administrator password. I have an old ME I'll try it on later to see for myself. Good luck. Also, its not possible to change the admin username, so it is still administrator.
In Firmware v3, the terminal security setups are only available from programming port, not from telnet!!