Custom Device?

Is there a way to modify or create your own custom device? I'm finally starting to give VA another chance here and am wondering if you can do these types of things. One thing I strongly dislike about these type of programs is the lack of support for certain "devices". Like I said, I just started tinkering with VA a little bit more and haven't quite learned all the ins-and-outs.
Well - found the backdoor way. Wish I didn't have to do it but . . . gotta do what you gotta do. Nothing like a few file modifications.
Are you talking about an IR or Serial Device?
There are methods for both but it would need to fit into the list of device types. The best way to do that is review the UI template and see what fits best.
Well, both actually. Right now I'm basically using VA for it's ability to layout a job, and not code generation or TP generation. I'd like to be able to add some Integra pieces (their recievers, DVD players and CD player.) Stuff like that. Pieces that we use in every single job. I'd also like to be able to add in some cable boxes that you're able to monitor the power status through a relay, and monitored on the NI-x1000 as an IO "input" rather than an IO "output" (already corrected that fix.) Then of course the whole slew of missing AMX devices (AXR-RF, AXB-IRS4, basically the legacy devices.) But like I said - sometimes you need to take the indirect route.
I'm running version, so I'm not sure if this makes much of a difference.
Huge difference from 1.0 to 1.2 and we are in beta for 1.3 now. Highly recommend getting to 1.2 asap. All of the missing mentioned devices are there now plus manny improvements.
Thanks! I looked at the "supported devices" list and I didn't see any added AMX stuff - so I kinda figured they weren't in there. Thanks for the correction!
I'll place my order Monday.
I recieved my order of VA, and whoo-hoo, I like it. There's so much more available.
I like it a lot, except for one thing . . . WHERE'S THE FREAKIN' UNDO BUTTON? This is the second program I've used that AMX does not have an "undo" button. If this is their new trend, I think we're all doomed. Are these four things really too much to ask for? Undo, redo, copy, and paste.
But on a positive note - I can't wait to see what 1.3 brings - what else could they improve upon? Excellent product overall.
If you have just updated to VA 1.2 and like the custom flexibility, check out the accessories options (right-click on an AMX device and select accessories). That's a great feature, but not so great, we still use a lot of radia devices, and I'm not aware of any valid shortcuts that will allow the addition of a RDD-DM4/6 for example. I'm would guess that the Eclypse will be supported in VA1.3 so.... I find we still use 'dummy' CSD's and IRL's to represent hardware interfaces which is frustrating. Also, where's the UPC20+, RDC-DC etc.
One annoying thing though, I had added an Autopatch Precis, 18x18. Well, I added an audio port and all that through the accessory menu-thing-a-ma-bob, with a count of 18. All was great, except - they all had the same name. I would have to add 18 input/output audio ports and go through then rename each and every one of them - gah - annoying.
But - everything can't be handed to us on a silver platter, eh?
It'll come. (That's if Integra fixes their ethernet control protocol.)