NetLinx Studio and Axcent3
Let me begin by saying that I am new to AMX programming. Having said that, I will appreciate it if someone can answer the following questions:
1. If I develop an application in Netlinx studio, can I run this application in Axcent3 controller? If so, what pitfalls should I watch out for?
2. I have a number of devices. Some of these can be controlled using RS232 (e.g. Video processor, Video projector), while others are simply IR remote controlled (e.g. Pioneer DVD Player, CD Player, VCR, etc.). I understand the hard-wired connection between and AXcent3 controller and RS232 controlled devices. What I am unclear about is how to handle IR controlled devices (since they are not directly connected to the controller). Would I need an IR receiver of some sort? Or do the pulses travel directly from the Touch Panel to the controller? May be I am trying too hard to understand the inner workings of these things.
3. Where can I purchase AXlink cable that is not the usual bulk of 500-1000feet? I only need about 50 feet.
1. If I develop an application in Netlinx studio, can I run this application in Axcent3 controller? If so, what pitfalls should I watch out for?
2. I have a number of devices. Some of these can be controlled using RS232 (e.g. Video processor, Video projector), while others are simply IR remote controlled (e.g. Pioneer DVD Player, CD Player, VCR, etc.). I understand the hard-wired connection between and AXcent3 controller and RS232 controlled devices. What I am unclear about is how to handle IR controlled devices (since they are not directly connected to the controller). Would I need an IR receiver of some sort? Or do the pulses travel directly from the Touch Panel to the controller? May be I am trying too hard to understand the inner workings of these things.
3. Where can I purchase AXlink cable that is not the usual bulk of 500-1000feet? I only need about 50 feet.
Just program it using an Axcess template and Axcess language in studio.
You use what is called an IR emitter, any IR emitter (Niles, Xantech) should work.
If you are just messing around and it is just being set up on your workbench or your own home theater then almost any 4 conductor wire would work.
You seem to be confusing IR in and IR out. The Axcent3 controls those devices using an IR emitter wired into the back of the Axcent and stuck to the front of the device.
A different question is how to tell the Axcent 3 what you want to do. You need a source of "Button pushes". Traditionally this is some sort of touchpanel. They are expensive but can be found on eBay.
Another approach is a remote control using either IR or RF. Any learning remote can be "taught" the AMX IR command set, and yes you need an IR receiver for that.
I recently acquired on eBay an older AMX RF setup - an RC and receiver. The RC has 16 buttons, which is plenty if you have a finite number of AV sources and are prepared to keep the original remotes in the drawer for obscure and rarely used functions.
Thanks for your replies and suggestions. I suspected that there must be a way to handle the different IR-controlled devices (now understood to be IR emitter). I have been able to locate and purchase a few on Ebay. Also, as suggested by cma, I have been able to start progamming using Axcent template in Netlinx studio. It is always good to learn a new thing.