Still having crashes with new version of TPD4

I am still having the same buggy issues with the new version of TPD4. The frequency of crashes has seemed to have lowered a bit. But it still crashes, messes up the tool bar docking, etc... just like the previous version.
Yes, the toolbar docking issue is very annoying.
I save, cross fingers and TRY to send, try again and again, open NS send!
H O W ? ? !
I'm assuming you know how to load a TP file into the file transfer portion of NS.
Once there, highlight the TP file transfer in the window. Then select Edit button in the lower right hand part of the window and open the 'Options' menu.
In the options Popup, check "I want to enable Smart Transfer" and you're set.
I find it interesting that it only does this with TP4. TP3 or earlier is just fine. They should just go ahead and imbed TP Design into NS. Or at least let it hold open the file as well...
Maybe this is what you meant, but all you have to do is close the panel. You can keep the application open.
Yeah, that's what I meant ... I know it's only a few seconds, but loading and re-loading the panel 20 times in an hour for minor changes just annoys the heck out of me. It seems I am forever tweaking panel designs, often on-the-fly in the customer's house because I didn't like some minor detail once the entire system is in place.