For some reason the module doesn't compile? This is from the UI mod:
Then there's:
But the constant LAMP_WARMUP_COOLDN_FB isn't defined any where. Actual if you look above we have no constants just devices defined.
I looked in the Word Doc and I think the value that should be assign to LAMP_WARMUP_COOLDN_FB if it were deifined should be 253 but I'm not all that sure. The value isn't set anywhere that I can see so it must assigned in the com module. Although I defined the constants as constants and define LAMP_WARMUP_COOLDN_FB with the value of 253 I still get no feedback at all from comms. The module does control the Proj/processor and I get strings returned but I'm not sure what the comm module is doing cuz the ain't nothing coming out the back end.
I really don't want to write it from scratch especially since it's to be operational by Tuesday and there are other things I was planning to do.
Maybe if this new Duet module wasn't on the website months ago when I looked I would have written one myself when I had time but now that the projector just got installed and I had a chance to slap in the module I get bitten once more. When am I going to learn! I don't mind so much when a module has quircks but how can they put this out to programmers when it can't even compile on its own. Let alone work properly!
DEFINE_DEVICE (***********************************************************) (* CONSTANT DEFINITIONS GO BELOW *) (***********************************************************) POWER_ON_BTN = 1 POWER_OFF_BTN = 2 IS_COMPOSITE_BTN = 3 IS_SVIDEO1_BTN = 4 IS_SVIDEO2_BTN = 5 IS_COMPONENT_BTN = 6 IS_HD1_BTN = 7 IS_HD2_BTN = 8 IS_DVI1_BTN = 9 IS_DVI2_BTN = 10 IS_CYCLE_BTN = 11 AR_ANAMORPHIC_BTN = 12 AR_NORMAL_BTN = 13 AR_LETTERBOX_BTN = 14 AR_WIDESCREEN_BTN = 15 AR_CYCLE_BTN = 16 PRESET_NIGHT_BTN = 17 PRESET_DAY_BTN = 18 PRESET_CUSTOM1_BTN = 19 PRESET_CUSTOM2_BTN = 20 WARM_COOL_BTN = 21 BRIGHT_UP_BTN = 22 BRIGHT_DN_BTN = 23 CONTRAST_UP_BTN = 24 CONTRAST_DN_BTN = 25 COLOR_UP_BTN = 26 COLOR_DN_BTN = 27 TINT_UP_BTN = 28 TINT_DN_BTN = 29 SHARP_UP_BTN = 30 SHARP_DN_BTN = 31 DATA_INITIALZIED_BTN = 32 DEVICE_ONLINE_BTN = 33 BRIGHT_LEVEL = 1 CONTRAST_LEVEL = 2 COLOR_LEVEL = 3 TINT_LEVEL = 4 SHARP_LEVEL = 5 WARM_COOL_TXT = 1 BRIGHT_TXT = 2 CONTRAST_TXT = 3 COLOR_TXT = 4 TINT_TXT = 5 SHARP_TXT = 6 #INCLUDE 'SNAPI.axi' (***********************************************************) (* DATA TYPE DEFINITIONS GO BELOW *) (***********************************************************) DEFINE_TYPE
Then there's:
CHANNEL_EVENT[vdvDEVICE, LAMP_WARMUP_COOLDN_FB] { ON: ....... and so on..............
But the constant LAMP_WARMUP_COOLDN_FB isn't defined any where. Actual if you look above we have no constants just devices defined.
I looked in the Word Doc and I think the value that should be assign to LAMP_WARMUP_COOLDN_FB if it were deifined should be 253 but I'm not all that sure. The value isn't set anywhere that I can see so it must assigned in the com module. Although I defined the constants as constants and define LAMP_WARMUP_COOLDN_FB with the value of 253 I still get no feedback at all from comms. The module does control the Proj/processor and I get strings returned but I'm not sure what the comm module is doing cuz the ain't nothing coming out the back end.
I really don't want to write it from scratch especially since it's to be operational by Tuesday and there are other things I was planning to do.
Maybe if this new Duet module wasn't on the website months ago when I looked I would have written one myself when I had time but now that the projector just got installed and I had a chance to slap in the module I get bitten once more. When am I going to learn! I don't mind so much when a module has quircks but how can they put this out to programmers when it can't even compile on its own. Let alone work properly!
I sent STRING & COMMAND "PASSBACK" to the virtual and nothing. So I'm starting from scratch. The Runco protocol for sending to the device is very straight forward via 40-50 commands but they don't specify anything about a returned format. Nothing to tell me what I should expect from the Projector/Processor when I send it a command or query. OK, so I set up a DATA_EVENT handler and buffers and alll that, opened up notifications to watch what's getting passed back and forth but I don't see any logical structure to what the device is replying with. I thought I could just send a command or query and see what it responds with but I can't make heads or tails out of it. F.....!
Any body got a more detailed protocol for this thing or possibly a working module. Hopefully it's just cuz I'm aggrevated that I can't see any sense in the returned strings and when I start fresh tomorrow it will be perfectly clear. Or not!
I'll look at your module for help. I also found a newer protocol on the Runco site which now let me control the 2.35 virtual wide.
Thank you for the module. I am a little unclear on how to interface the the touchpanel buttons. Can you clarify for me?
I don't generally incorporate the UI within my device modules. It's strictly command line to the virtual interface, and the main program handles buttons and uses SEND_COMMAND to the virtual to trigger actions. Projector states are passed back as channels on the virtual device (input, aspect and ISF), and the virtual also uses a SEND_STRING to pass back the lockout (which is my way of showing the projector is warming or cooling and the interface won't accept power commands).