Additional processors

Just wanted to see if anyone has heard anything about the possibility of using additional processors in VA. I am not looking to move portions of code to the additional processors, just simply use them as additional IR,Relay, I/O, and Serial ports. Even if the additional processors where just placeholders and VA was not able to configure the additional processors I would be happy (I only use VA for documentation right now).
Plus this is kind of a pity post into the VA forum because it hasn't had a post in more than 30 days
Plus this is kind of a pity post into the VA forum because it hasn't had a post in more than 30 days

I haven't finished the design, so I don't know how having the extra processors will affect the reports, but I can add additional processors for connections
The file is located (on my computer) at /Program Files/Common Files/AMXShare/VASupportFiles/AMX Devices/
The file is call AMXDevices.xml. (You will have to rename the file I am attaching to match this after you make a backup).
Thanks for doing that Jeff - I didn't have time to do it myself, or I would have. I gave up on VS when I figured I couldn't have two masters in a layout. I typically use VS just for documentation for the installers.
Maybe I'll give it a shot and see what it comes up with.