New Color Viewstats
in AMX Hardware
I ordered one of the new color Viewstats after they were introduced at CEDIA. I was then told to expect delivery in January. I'm now being told late May.
I ordered one of the new color Viewstats after they were introduced at CEDIA. I was then told to expect delivery in January. I'm now being told late May.
I could be focusing on the wrong products, and it might just be something out of AMX's control that is delaying these things (such as some code approval process), but the unit I saw at CEDIA did not appear to be that far from complete.... then again, I didn't have to program the thing
But at least they get stuff out when they say they will most of the time. As far as I know they are going to be releasing the rest of the stuff within the 90 day window, so if it's just the one piece they got wrong and by a couple months, it's hardly the end of the world.
There are companies out there like RTI that never meet release dates they announce. They announced the XP8 more than two years ago and are still not shipping it.
I was thinking about this. I agree that, in the past, AMX was fairly good about giving realistic release dates. I just went through the new products section of their website, and what I saw was a little concerning. Everything that is not listed as available now (except the autopatch distribution amps), is showing as "Booking Orders Now - Available Soon" on the site. Some of these products were due to be released in Nov 07. There is even one product that lists itself as available now on the New Products page, but is listed as Booking Now in the product info. Anyone know if this is just a matter of the product info pages not being updated properly?