Using non-amx power supply
in AMX Hardware
Can I use a computer power supply (like one used in PCs - ATX 350W ) for NI-2100? Or is it a bad idea?
A laptop power supply should work though - just as long as it's 12VDC out. But really, by the time you go through all that you may as well just get one from AMX.
The answers are "yes" and "yes" (in no particular order).
It's quite easy to fool ATX supplies into turning on without a PC motherboard connected, but many supplies will be damaged if you turn them on without any load connected. There's plenty of doco on the internet about subverting them for different purposes, but I would advise against using them for most things.
Old AT supplies however, circa XT's to 486's, are a very good source of cheap clean power for a test bench (assuming you can get your hands on them). In either case you would never use one in a client install.
I wouldn't recommend using any other power supply though for a client.
computer power supply have a fan... that's enough for me to avoid using such power supply. With a fan you get dust, noise, and it's not really sexy design.
The best solution is a standard power like laptop power supply or something like. I'm using Mascot power supply, about 4 amp and 12 v.
I only had issue with smals power supply. More the power supply can deliver Amp, lest it get hot, and so get a longer life time.
I think they should have something with a boost tap for long runs. 14v, 16v, something.
I've looked at the Altronic rack mount power supplies but they are fused outputs and the max at 3 or 3.5 amps which are just under the requirement for most TPs. Otherwise I would have tried it.
Turnip Truck! Could i get a link to that power supply?