Add Font?
I just bought the font "Eurostile" for use on one of my touchpanels. The graphics for the panel include words done in this font, so I wanted continuity. I added it to Windows Fonts (I'm using Vista, but I tried it in XP as well). I went into MS Word, and typed away in Eurostile with no problem.
When I load TPDesign, its not there. Every other font installed on the system shows up, just not this one. Any ideas?
When I load TPDesign, its not there. Every other font installed on the system shows up, just not this one. Any ideas?
you rebooted your PC?
btw. nice font
Something you need to keep in mind, though the chances are rather slim anyone will actually come after you: if you purchased and licensed a font, it is almost certain that loading it on a touch panel violates your license agreement. Once you have loaded a font to a touch panel, it can be downloaded by anyone with TPD4, and once the panel is downloaded, that font is now available to the person who downloaded it. Because of this, I try carefully to used only standard Windows fonts and public domain ones. Like I said, it's is unlikely someone would ever come after you for this, but the possibility does exist, and you would technically be in violation. Digital rights are becoming more and more of a big deal, and I think it wise to remain as squeaky-clean as you can to avoid issues in the future.
However, opening the font while TPD4 was open did nothing, nor did opening the font Before opening TPD4. This is insanely frustrating
Bah. Trying to convert to TTF now . . . .
No such conversion appears to exist, except in some random linux utility I couldn't make work in cygwin
But renaming it from Eurostile.otf to Eurostile.ttf did the job
So random
Thanks for the tip, I just started fooling around with some out-of-print TTF fonts and was able to rename the current version OpenType Font files from OTF to TTF and that worked like a charm in TP Design 4.
Thanks again!