ENV-VST-C ViewStat Color Communicating Thermostat Protocol

It?s my understanding that the new color Viewstats sit on Axlink. Does that mean we?ll have a set of SEND_COMMANDs, SEND_STRINGs, and CHANNELs available to write our own Netlinx module? Will there be an AMX Netlinx or DUET module? I?m just wondering what my options are.
The latest date that I have received for filling of my back order of the thermostats is mid-June. We'll see.
The way we were going to explore using the AMX thermostat was to put one in the Master Bedroom (or Kitchen, or Master Bath) so that the client could easily see the weather forecast (and maybe some other data if we could populate the display through code
I really hope they keep the i!-Weather option, but I'm prepared for it to be released without it.
I just include an ENV-VST-C in my program, I include iWEATHER module 'AMX_iWeather_Comm_dr1_0_0' and now what I have to do to get communication, the service is activated.
How the thermostat can get weather for my aera wihtout install iWEATHER module and screen.?
I'm in the process of programming some right now. A couple notes in general for everyone. Firstly, the i!-Weather module (duet version) is not complete. In the current version I have several of the functions are not working. those include browse by US, browse by world, enter zip code, enter station ID. In short, the new module does nat have a way for the user to browse to anywhere. In my case I went ahead and rolled my own.
The module doesn't have the ability to go to the i!Weather server and download the current list of weather station IDs. they do include a .csv file that you can program in yourself. I wasn't feeling that hip to it. So, I'm putting it off until later.
The module for the T-stats is a bit differnt than their usual duet fair.
Basically you create a 41xxx virtual device. The first T-Stat shows up on port 1 and the next T-Stats on ports 2,3,4,etc... The T-Stats are Axlink devices.
You have to send a command to the module to let it know that there is more than one T-Stat. Another little concern of mineis that the 1st T-Stat must be there to initiate the whole mess setting up. Once it has established comms with the first T-Stat, then the module will run and see all the others. Needless to say, that first T-Stat must be reliable or the whole thing doesn't work.
So, far the module seems to be working alright. I don't have it in a real house yet to know. We do this installation in May. I'll know more then.
Two problems with the color Viewstat:
1. Cannot express relative humidity. It is input by means of an Axlink level, therefore must be an integer value. RH is usually expressed in hundreths.
2. There is no "Moon" image for a clear night. My top dollar-paying customers see a sun on the display on clear nights!
Details Details!
I wrote this a while ago, but I'm pretty sure it covers all parameters of weather display on the stat.