Multi-zone B&K CT600.3
Posts: 90
Anyone knows how to control it?
If you have any specific questions about the protocol, feel free to post them. I am fairly familiar with the protocol and I might be able to help.
The HD6 with it's new ability to be a 15 source component switcher all the way up to 45 composite sources (all converted to component out) or any combination of the mix is super cool Just keep in mind that only 9 of the sources have buffered outputs.
I have only a CT600.3 with 3 B&K keypads controling the zones.
I'm using commands like these:
Is this right?
The strings look correct. If you are having problems getting the unit to respond, keep in mind that the default zone configuration starts with zone 11, not zone 1. Also, remember that zones have to be sent in Hex (this doesn't matter if you are using 1,2,3,4,5,6.... but it does matter once you get over 9 )
I don't understanding about the default zone starts in 11 ... I have 6 speakers outputs A, B, C, D, E and F.
If I want to turn on the speaker output A, the string is: ??
Thanks again!
B&Ks aren't very happy about stacking up RS-232 commands, so I generally also set up IDs that control multiple zones such as "main floor". 0 is a built-in ID that controls all zones. I'll usually start my area IDs at 1.
This is hex expression, zones and so on, you can find on control protocol manual for your model of BK. So BK very well controlling from rs232 read the manual with samples.
The zones really are B, C, D, E ...etc Thanks a lot!!!
For those of you trying to control B&K CT600's and HD6's (it may be true for their other stuff, too), you might want to stick with the serial interface for a while. After spending more than a month (off & on) trying to resolve an issues with these devices and convince B&K that there even IS a problem, we have determined that there are (at least) 2 issues:
1. If a TCP socket to the B&K is not neatly closed, it will lose buffer space for future sockets. After this has happened 3 or 4 times, it will not open another socket and communication is lost.
2. Occasionally, for no reason that we have determined (we think it may be power related), the B&K ip interface will reset, re-enable DHCP if static addresses were assigned, and get itself another address. We haven't checked yet, but for those of you using name services, we suspect they reset that as well.
The good news is that the command structure is identical, so for those of you who use it serially for now, converting to ip later will be a breeze. I converted the module I wrote for these things in about 20 minutes.
Good luck.
We tend to do this alot so that if we ever choose we can just make changes in the router, even the LAN address can change and all connected equipment will follow suit because they're set up DHCP internally but get assigned a specific DHCP assigned address by the router by comparing mac addresses. A simple reboot and the device will release its IP address and acquire its newly assigned address.
Does anyone have a module created for this particular B&K piece (CT 600) or (CT 300)
I still use their amps but I grew tired of their distributed systems and they won't change the way they're designed. Basically a hardwired remote control on the wall for each zone. Use the AMX keypads and still use the CT 600 or 300's and if possible scrap those in lieu of an Auto Patch 8x8 or 16x16 and use their AV1260 amps.
But back to the question.. If I recall you can program a keypad to send serial strings to a local device connected to the keypad or a local IR device. So I guess you could but why?
That is so that a standalone system will still work without a third party controller, which is clever I think. If you don't want to use the keypads you certainly can use AMX ones. I thought the system was quite well designed if perhaps a little overdesigned. You can use an AP switch instead, but you will not be able to come close to what a B&K 600 can do in terms of volume ramping zones together, mapping logical zones, etc.
With a B & K system how do you shut a source component down when you 1st don't know if it's on and 2nd don't know if any other zones are using it.
a_riot42 wrote: You must be kidding right.
Have you used an Auto Patch switcher if you have you should know that is a very elementary task. On my jobs customers can do that on the fly in 2 seconds in any combination they want not just the 3 fixed groups that B & K allows. Of course if for any reason a customer wanted hard coded groups that would be an elementary task as well.