Clean programming habits?
How do you guys do it? I have been messing around with netlinx for a while now and can get it to do most anything I want, however I still have a million BUTTON_EVENTs for each TP button in the mainline and no real type of organization. What is the standard way of organizing things? I was thinking about having an include for different rooms and such, but then found out that the devices that were included in the mainline couldn't be used in the includes without defining them there. Then of course they were "double defined" if they are in the mainline too. So I'm curious, what is the correct way to go about this? It's such a pain in the neck to scroll through 5000 lines of code just to find something.
Interested to hear what you do..
Interested to hear what you do..
Then in the button event, you just make reference to the array
Or you can use the wildcard
I usually have separate DEFINE_EVENT's for Data_Events, Timeline_Events, Channel_Events and Button_Events. This makes it easy to fold everything and then find exactly the DEFINE_EVENT section you want.
I also usually put all the code for specific devices in an include or module.
Include file named Example_Include
And now the mainline:
#1 - This will cause a problem because the variables/devices are not defined, and it's not within a DEFINE_EVENTS section.
#2 - This will still not work because a Button_Event can only occur in the Define_Events section.
#3 - This should work fine.
Hope this helps,
In the above example, you make the channel codes on your touchpanel correspond to whatever IR output channel you want to control.
You can add to the push handler section for true feedback on the touchpanel.
You can go beyond that by using channel events and virtual devices to achieve the same effect for 232 devices.
One approach I've taken at times is to start with comments for each type of thing I need the system to do. For example,
Then go back and define variables, device and/or button arrays etc. under each comment, using names that make sense to me, like
...and so on. Then you can paste the whole define_variable section into define_event and edit as needed to make stuff happen.
The advantage of this is that you have all the 'sections' of your program in the same order in both define_variable and define_event; this makes it easier (for me) to find things later. Also it ensures that names are visually identical throughout the program. I know the compiler is not case sensitive so it doesn't matter, but it irritates me to see foobar, Foobar and FooBar wandering around in the same program together. Gotta watch that OCD.
Anyway, I don't do this all the time or even most of the time, but it's one approach to getting more organized.
As for different rooms running the same program, I generally differentiate them (if I need to) by looking at the system's IP address or hostname in define_start, followed by any point where system behavior needs to be different from room to room.
Finally, regarding includes, I don't use them much except for some stupid functions I've written that are generic enough to be portable. This would be stuff like volume level scale conversion, date and time manipulation, etc.
An approach that has worked well for me is:
1. In all .axs and .axi files, put the following at the top & bottom:
2. In your main file (which is "Set as Master"), declare your devices before you #include your .axi files.
Using this approach means that my .axi files can refer to the devices declared in the .axs, since the device is declared before the #include statement. There is no need to declare the device in the .axi files.
In my situation I have a Global.axi file which many .axi files rely on. The #if_not_defined statement ensures that the code in the Global.axi only gets compiled once. For good measure, I take the same approach for all .axi files and even my master .axs file. Some of my other .axi files get included multiple times, depending on the context.
This approach works for me. I don't know if it is considered good form or not, but it certainly allows my .axi files to be more portable across multiple projects. The only thing I have to watch out for is consistent device-naming conventions, but that's not a huge issue.
Roger McLean
Swinburne University
I have not found this to be the case. I usually define all my devices in the main code and then refer to those definitions in my includes. As long as the include is called out in the main program after the device has been defined you'll be okay.
I really appreciate the feedback guys - this really is a great community.
Thanks again,
Makes sense...multiple DEFINE_EVENTs too?
Yes. See attached.
Just no multiple DEFINE_PROGRAMs.
I too am in the multiple DEFINE_x/code folding camp and so I don?t really use the ?Goto Section.? It?s easier for me to scroll through folded code.
I do like the right click menu options but I do wish we could right click on a function call and have a menu item appear that performs a ?Find Definition...? I for one would find that extremely useful.
Its a misconception that code should have a large quantity of commenting. Ideally, the code should be self-commenting. Only very obscure/difficult code should be heavily commented, but then the issue arises that if your code requires a lot of comments to be understood, perhaps it needs a rewrite/redesign.
When commenting, there are a few essential rules to believe in:
The value of a comment is directly proportional to the distance between the comment and the code. Good comments stay as close as possible to the code they're referencing. As distance increases, the odds of developers making an edit without seeing the comment that goes with the code increases. The comment becomes misleading, out of date, or worse, incorrect. Distant comments are unreliable at best.
Comments with complex formatting cannot be trusted. Complex formatting is a pain to edit and a disincentive to maintenance. If it is difficult to edit a comment, it's very likely a developer has avoided or postponed synchronizing his work with the comments. I view complex comments with extreme skepticism.
Don't include redundant information in the comments. Why have a Revision History section-- isn't that what we use source control for? Besides the fact that this is totally redundant, the odds of a developer remembering, after every single edit, to update that comment section at the top of the procedure are.. very low.
The best kind of comments are the ones you don't need. The only "comments" guaranteed to be accurate 100% of the time-- and even that is debatable-- is the body of the code itself. Endeavor to write self-documenting code whenever possible. An occasional comment to illuminate or clarify is fine, but if you frequently write code full of "tricky parts" and reams of comments, maybe it's time to refactor.
In my very humble opinion, commenting is very important and should be done as much as possible. Unlike Paul, I realize that I will not be coding for the company I'm with for the rest of my life for one reason or another. Either I'll get shuffled out, I may end up leaving to take up crocheting, or the worst of all scenarios: I die. *GASP!* Either way, someone else is going to look at my code at some point in time, and I don't wanna be a jerk and leave a mystery to them to figure out. It just makes sense to comment your own code, I find myself using certain function in every single job that aren't commented, and if I had to modify them, it took me a minute to figure out what's going on. I've since commented them so I know what to change. Bad programming? Needs to be rewritten or redesigned? I think not. There will probably be at least 8,000 lines of code in your program, do you expect to remember everything?
I believe this article is a good read:
nUI - which UI caused the event in get last
nBut - which button was pressed in get last
cStringIn - data from a device
cStringOut - data to a device
Further, the more mature your programming becomes, the less variables you'll need. A few nice structures used with the embedded event objects and your programs will become leaner, meaner and sexier! Just flash some code around at the local pub, you'll see!!
Admittedly, I've often wondered why structures aren't used more often. It's as if paper were one day were introduced, and people thought it was marvelous. But then Mr. Joe Everyman realized a problem incurred when stacks of paper started to pile up around him, so he created the folder. Everyone was so proud of Joe. Some time later, Joe came up with another brilliant idea concerning the sorting of paper, but his colleague Bill was a complete douche and stole his idea before he could present it - thus the binder was born, with the capability of essentially holding multiple folders at once. Finally, out of desperation, Joe invented the filing cabinet as a means of containing all such stuff and more! He even made this little section at the top of each drawer that fits a small piece of a index card with a poorly written name on it. But for some reason, people were never quite certain about this "filing cabinet", as they may as well just put all the binders and folders in a bookshelf...
Well anyway, I think Joe was brilliant, and I like my filing!
To continue the analogy, would an XML file be a compactus? Great for storing lots of data (especially structures) which you don't have to access frequently.
Roger McLean
Swinburne University
Because they cant be passed to modules.
An analogy is like a car ... drive it too far, and it breaks down. But XML is closer to the Dewey Decimal System ... it's a way to organize and access data, not really a way to store it. Storage is the back end, and XML doesn't really care if it's a file cabinet or a bookshelf, it will work with both.