sleep button
I have a request to add a sleep button to an 8400 in a WDS in a conference room. They want to be able to press a button to sleep the display like the button on the bottom of the wired panels. Is there a code in TP4 or does this need to be done programatically?
Works just fine with MVP5200i.
Couldn't the same function be accomplished just by using SEND_COMMAND dvTP, "'SLEEP'", without doing anything in the panel set-up?
You could copy the button from the setup pages (don't know if there is a sleep button there, but if it is, you can copy it
Just tried this on a 7500 and it seems to work
Send_Command dvTP,"'SLEEP'"
Send_Command dvTP,"'WAKE'"
That's cool
You can also use the loop back port on a button.
in button properties, under the program tab set the command port to 0 (loop back port) and type
for the command output. Now when ever that button is pushed the panel will go to sleep. No extra code required!