R4 Queue Module Question

I'm about to throw this in on a job, however I'll be putting 3 ports on the R4 - one for general buttons, one for the iPort and another for satellite channels.
Do I need three com modules defined or does it know how many ports I'm using by watching the online event? I'm a little confused by this since it doesn't say anything in the documentation . . . at least I haven't seen it yet.
Thanks in advance!
Do I need three com modules defined or does it know how many ports I'm using by watching the online event? I'm a little confused by this since it doesn't say anything in the documentation . . . at least I haven't seen it yet.
Thanks in advance!
I take this to mean that the module handles up to 20 ports on the virtual device you define.
I have it implemented in two projects and only pass it the real device with port 1 defined and then define virtual devices 1 through 19 and do all interaction on those virtual ports and it works like a charm.
I've got two other jobs with R4s without the module, so I'm anxious to see how well it works and if there's any difference.
Thanks again!
Also - I like your avatar for some reason. Pretty neat!
Thanks - I'm debating how much "control" to give him on the R4. He also has an MVP-5200i in the room, sort of a his & hers type situation. I think he wants the R4 for channel surfing late at night.
I may just do feedback on the remote and nothing else (i.e. no control over the playlists), ya know - keep it simple.
Yeah, I should have wrote that I only pass port 1 on the real device and port 1 on the virtual device to the module and that takes care of it.
I like your tagline. It's pretty funny (and true!)