Intercom Module with 2 masters
I have a little problem with the Netlinx Intercom module ( version 1.6 )
I have 2 NI-3100 and a master 2 master communication.
Have many TP's with intercom.
Now I have 1 part of the panels running on system 1 and the other part on system 2.
It's working, but not as it should be... I don't get button feedback on the panels of system 2.
If you press a panel and press "Make Call" the other panel response with a popup. But I doesn't get
a channel feedback on the panel on system 2. The panels on system 1 is perfect working with the channel feedback ( example "Call Privacy On" ,ect )
What I doing wrong??
I have a little problem with the Netlinx Intercom module ( version 1.6 )
I have 2 NI-3100 and a master 2 master communication.
Have many TP's with intercom.
Now I have 1 part of the panels running on system 1 and the other part on system 2.
It's working, but not as it should be... I don't get button feedback on the panels of system 2.
If you press a panel and press "Make Call" the other panel response with a popup. But I doesn't get
a channel feedback on the panel on system 2. The panels on system 1 is perfect working with the channel feedback ( example "Call Privacy On" ,ect )
What I doing wrong??
If we assume master 1 is system 1 and master 2 is system 2...
It might look something like
dv_TP_1_submaster = 10001:01:02
You might check to see what's declared.
dvTP10021_intercom = 10021:1:1
dvTP10022_intercom = 10022:1:1
dvTP10023_intercom = 10023:1:1
dvTP10024_intercom = 10024:1:1
dvTP10025_intercom = 10025:1:1
dvTP10026_intercom = 10026:1:2
dvTP10027_intercom = 10027:1:2
dvTP10028_intercom = 10028:1:2
dvTP10029_intercom = 10029:1:2
System 1 = Master 1 and
System 2 = Master 2
Do you mean it like this?
I already worked with the intercom module and everything worked fine,
but in those project where only 1 NI controller
Nielsy, I am seeing the same problem. What did you end up doing to get it to work? The panels call each other and the paging functionality seems to work just fine, however, the feedback for the panels does not appear to be correct. Anyone else used the intercom module and had luck with using the intercom between masters?
Is this duplicated on both masters? Are your virtuals set up similarly?
So on Master 1 and 2 for the real TP's you had:
For the virtuals, did you have this on both masters to keep a local virtual of a TP:
or this so that the virtual TP for each system resides on the same system as the real TP.
You only need run the module on one master, connect the other master(s) using Master-to-master communication and then make sure you address the TPs connected to the other master in the code on the first master.
So, (assumming Netlinx Master system numbers of 1 and 2)
you might see somehting like this on the master with the module running.
dvTP1 =10001:01:1 //TP connected to master system 1
dvTP2 = 10002:01:1 //TP connected to master system 1
dvTP3 = 10001:01:2 //TP connected to master system 2
dvTP4 = 10002:01:2 //TP connected to master system 2
My guess is that if you're trying to run the module on two masters, the feedback is conflicitng. Master 1 might thing a page is going on while master 2 doesn't know it. You might even notice the feedback button is flickering (going on and off real fast)
Just a thought.
The concern I have is that for this project there are 6 masters and each one is in a different building, so if the master I am running the intercom code on goes down, then the intercom functionality will be lost for all locations. I wonder if I wouldn't be better off trying to manage the intercom functionality locally on each system and then using send commands or something else of that sort to indicate to the other system that a call or page is coming in, etc. Anyone else have any other ideas for a situation like this?
I could see that working as well. Here again, the module is only issuing commands and managing semi-phoney bloney feedback. That woold not tax a system.
One thing about the different buildings thing. Hopeuflly, you a) are still on the same subnet so you can do multi-cast and b) if not a) then not needing system-wide paging. (page all)
I got a scenario where i have 7 ni3100 and 27 intercom touch panels , 5 Metecoms. If i put the intercom module in the 7th master, it works fine. Now if i put it in masters like 6 or 4, it doesnt work. I havent tried putting in the master 1. Is there a rule for where the intercom module should be put . Has anyone made an intercom module similar to the AMX module. I would love to have that.