NetLinx expires Sunday, May 31 2009!
The latest feature of NetLinx Studio 2 V2.8 (build
- when compiling code a pop-up message appears, stating 'You have 6 days left before this special version of the NetLinx Compiler expires. Please contact AMX for further information'.
- the AMX office in my part of the world does not know about this.
Wonder if this is the start of controlling who's got access to NetLinx programming.............
- when compiling code a pop-up message appears, stating 'You have 6 days left before this special version of the NetLinx Compiler expires. Please contact AMX for further information'.
- the AMX office in my part of the world does not know about this.
Wonder if this is the start of controlling who's got access to NetLinx programming.............
Can you please list all the version information (COmpilers, etc) you get from Help/About NetLinx Studio?
Where did you have downloaded your installation file?
Ya, that started showing up Thursday or Friday. Just upgrade to V3 - fairly painless.
NetLinx Studio 2 V2.8
NetLinx Compiler
Axcess Compiler
AMX USB Driver 04-16-2007
NetLinx AXI File 1.47
Cafe Duet 1.10.203
It's like one of those climbing video games. The only way is up and the lower part is crumbling underneath you...
I'm on but Netlinx compiler is and AXI is 1.45.. I've only installed from the AMX website, no beta version/quick fixes. No expiration notices either.
Kevin D.
Just curious, where did you get this 2.8 version? I'll have to test the one I have at home to see if the same problem exists.
I would like to see AMX start to "license" NStudio though - I've received several emails and phone calls from people who 1) are looking for NStudio, 2) need help on "getting started" with it, and/or 3) end users who have it. Granted, this was quite a while ago - but still . . . a bit annoying and nerve racking to be honest.
Update 1:
Software Release: NetLinx Studio 2 v. 2.8.285 (53.7 MB)
Release Date: November 24, 2008
New Features:
? File transfer support for devices that have STANDBY and AWAKE states (MVP-5200i)
NOTE: You must have the latest firmware versions for your NetLinx masters before you can use the device feature listed above. Versions greater than 387 are recommended. Unpredictable results may occur if your master firmware has not been updated to the proper version.
? Enhancements to the Find and Find/Replace modules dialogs
? The problem with AutoSuggest presenting duplicate and truncated entries has been corrected
? In the source code edit, various problems when entering Cyrillic type characters have been corrected (UTF-8 files)
? Corrupted APW files that were caused when selecting various IR elements from the AMX IR database has been corrected
? Update the NetLinx Compiler (V2.5.1.10) to report on the total number of token and Variables generated from the user's source code
Your AMX Global Customer Service Team
I wonder
IF(2.8.0..285 != 2.8.285)
SEND_STRING 0,"'Change compiler from to and create problems.'";
Did you ever have NS3 installed? Beta or anything else?
Please download the latest version of Studio by Webupdate, and let know if the issue is solved.
I'd have to disagree. I'm sure a lot more people would be interested in Duet development if it were not for the dev costs. (How can I justify spending $$$ when I'm not sure it will be useful to me? I'll only know if it is useful if I can play around with it first, and due to my workload that will take longer than a 30 day trial since I'll have to learn some Java as well.) Licensing the IDE will only lead to less developers, which results in less hardware sales globally. Failing that, the licensing-hacking community (which I do not condone) would simply find a way to break the license key.
I can appreciate the anxiety it may cause when others want "in". If you want to protect your installations it gets back to the who-owns-the-code argument. I'd be inclined to not leave the source on the master, and write a warranty into your contract which precludes tinkering with the system. Thankfully I don't have such issues as an in-house programmer. Given the nature of 16,000 curious students, I try to protect my masters: 1) physically 2)built in master security 3)network access control lists.
FWIW: Popular micro controllers also make their IDE available for free. They even give away free "sample packs" of the hardware upon request. Imagine if AMX did that!
Roger McLean
Swinburne University
I think in the future when I do program systems for anyone other than my employer at the current moment, I'll include a no-tinker-clause basically stating, you break it - I fix it for double the price.
Either way, I *really* don't care if they were to license it or not, but what I would like is less people trying to "get in", and if that means locking them out somehow, I'm good with that.
Again - I can appreciate where you are coming from. However, there are some markes (I.e. Education) where we purchase large quantities of AMX hardware (and RMS) and can justify/need in-house development. Yes - I am also a "valuable" programmer!
I suppose if you really wanted to lock down access to the dev tools, the most fair route to do this would be to make it avaialble only to those who have done an AMX training course. It is really a catch-22 situation. a) Lock down the tools with activation keys, only to create a major inconvenience to programmers when their laptop fails in the middle of a major job with imminent deadline. b) Make the program freely available, at the risk of it getting into the hands of the "un-trainined". (BTW: This is how I initially learnt, which then encouraged me to do the P1, P2, P3 & RMS courses, one of which was personally financed. Us non-dealers have to pay for the courses.)
There is definitly a need for protecting AMX systems "in the wild", which was your initial concern. I just don't think that locking down the dev tools is the right way to go about it. As an example, the latest firmware (v3.41.422) has a nice "reset factory" command which blows away the entire master. It even cleans out the file system and resets all security parameters. In this case, the solution is not to take telnet away from everyone, but to secure the system properly.
If you have customers who want to get into AMX programming, I'd send them in the eBay direction to purchase their own dev hardware to learn on, seperate from the installation that you've done. Again, this assumes a "no tinker" clause with your installation. (Such a clause should also include firmware version changes.) I like the idea of double-dollar-repairs. "I'll see ya, and I'll raise ya..."
yes, have since installed version, and it works fine. Also noticed that there is a new program icon/short-cut icon to bring it in line with the new TPD4 icon. Maybe this is what it was all about? Reminds me of the time when there was a product called panja........
And on an unrelated note ... how long has the menu icon next to "Help | About NetLinx Studio" been a blue Pacman ghostie?