NS3 Crashing Like Crazy
I've been running NS3 now since the day it was released. It has now crashed on me at least once every day. It doesn't appear to care whether it's my Vista system or my XP system, it just crashes.
Sometimes I'll get an error when it boots up, that it couldn't locate certain protected word files, so highlighting might not work. For about 3 or 4 minutes, only about half of the words that should be highlighted are, and then it will crash.
More often, though, I'll start it, it will load the workspace that was previously loaded, and crash before finishing the load. The only way to stop it is to move that workspace and all the files that were previously loaded somewhere else, so it can't find them. I've disabled the restore workspace on startup, but now I'm taking away features I had so that I can use it.
This was especially frustrating yesterday while I was trying to make one little change to a system, with a client standing over my head telling me I should've been out of his building 20 minutes ago, so he could go home, and I couldn't get NS3 to load. Rebooting the machine did nothing.
Is anyone else having these problems? I had no issues with the upgrade process on either machine, and yet I can't help but think this software isn't ready for prime time.
Sometimes I'll get an error when it boots up, that it couldn't locate certain protected word files, so highlighting might not work. For about 3 or 4 minutes, only about half of the words that should be highlighted are, and then it will crash.
More often, though, I'll start it, it will load the workspace that was previously loaded, and crash before finishing the load. The only way to stop it is to move that workspace and all the files that were previously loaded somewhere else, so it can't find them. I've disabled the restore workspace on startup, but now I'm taking away features I had so that I can use it.
This was especially frustrating yesterday while I was trying to make one little change to a system, with a client standing over my head telling me I should've been out of his building 20 minutes ago, so he could go home, and I couldn't get NS3 to load. Rebooting the machine did nothing.
Is anyone else having these problems? I had no issues with the upgrade process on either machine, and yet I can't help but think this software isn't ready for prime time.
Also, on a long shot, are you running cafe duet? The only problems I had with NS2.8 came from an update on the Cafe Duet side.
I haven't done a full uninstall/reinstall yet, that's the next step but I figured I'd check and see if anyone else had already found the answer first
No big deal - seems to happen when its a good time to go for coffee anyways.
Roger McLean
Swinburne University
definetly crashes more than ns2, so much more in fact I was looking for posts regarding this earlier in the week.
I LOVE a lot of the features of NS3 (mostly the better integration of include files, since I have 6 include files I use in every project that have a lot of my definitions in them, so now they're showing up in autocomplete and getting highlighted correctly), but this is my business. I can't spend an hour on site troubleshooting NS3 because it's not a solid piece of software.
Has anyone rolled back to NS2 yet? Is it a pain?
No, rolling back to NS2 is trivial, doesn't even lose your settings. I've rolled back and roled forward again, both without incident on XP SP3.
I've had similar problems with the workspace issues. NS3 will just not load a workspace but will load single files.
I do quite a lot of work remotely and it seems to be worse when your connection address is a WAN address - but this may just be coincidental....................
Vista & XP (SP3)
I have had the 'looking for IP' hangup that eneded in a crash now two times.
I've been busy for the last month or so spending most of my time working on non-AMX stuff and thus not spent much time with NS3. Now that I am running full-speed on some AMX projects, I am seeing that NS3 is exhibiting more problems than I originally thought. It seems that Studio wants to crash _every_ time that I open it. On average, it takes 4 tries to get it to open and stay open. And then, about every 3rd or 4th time that I save (or compile) it crashes again. It does actually save, but then crashes anyway. Have also seen the same thing when opening or closing workspaces. This was happening in the field last week on my laptop (XP SP3), and is now happening on my desktop (XP SP2). It's becoming extremely frustrating. The bad thing is, with it crashing so much it makes me want to save more often to protect from lost work, but the more I save the more it crashes. Are others seeing general crashes like this that aren't associated with file transfers, multiple workspaces, etc or is it just me?
I've not had the issues you've been experiencing, but did experience a crash when I tried to open up a workspace when I had another instance already running. But it only happened once and am not too concerned about it. This was on my Vista SP1 machine.
NS3 crashes at least 2x per day. AMX says they don't support Vista 64 but NS2 has worked flawlessly on this machine for the last year. From what I'm reading here I don't think the crashes have anything to do with my Windows version.
You guys must be doing something wrong
Glad to see it's not just me for a change.
NS 3 sometimes crashes as it starts up - it appears to be opening and processing the files that were last open.
If this is of any use to anybody the error log came up with the following;
AppName: nsx.exe,
AppVer :
ModName: msvcr71.dll
ModVer: 7.10.6030.0
Offset: 0000426e
Exception Code 0xc0000005
Windows NT 5.1 Build 2600
I was working all day yesterday without a single crash. Today, it seems to be crashing every five minutes, whether I am actively editing, or in another application (as in reading an RS-232 spec in a PDF viewer). Nothing was lost except the workspace changes, and what do you know, I have autosave set for every five minutes. So, it's actually saving the open file, and crashing immediately after. It doesn't seem to happen all the time, but that does seem to be the trigger. Interestingly enough, I made a change in the workspace by adding a UI file that had a new revision. That particular workspace change was saved because I explicitly saved the workspace afterward ... but, the file path was messed up after the crash. It lost the project subfolder and was looking for it in the main folder ... even though it was entered originally by the "Add existing file" method. I wonder if the crashes are related to autosave reacting badly to bad path information in the workspace.
I do on occasion have a crash when opening a workspace, but immediately opening it up after the crash, it works fine.
I've also had it crash when closing a workspace, oddly enough.
I can say this much, between TPD4 and NSX3, it's getting so that I wait more for the computer than actually work on it. My boss doesn't want to upgrade as long as it functions at all (due to the economy), so I'm kind of stuck unless I buy my own (not likely, not unless I go freelance).
I have had it crash several times, but the most frustrating thing that happens (at least once or twice a day) is that after a compile, I'll get an error message "Reserved word (.rw) files could not be loaded. Keyword highlighting will not function properly. Check Installation." with an OK button. However, as soon as I press OK on the dialogue box, I get the same error message, so I can never continue work or quite with out going to the task manager and shutting down from there.
So the real question is . . . . when's the next build coming out?
Also, to those of you who beta tested, did this stuff show up then? Or is this new? I don't understand how this got released past beta . . . . .
It's pretty near impossible for a relatively small subset of beta testers to duplicate the variety of circumstances that are going to exist in the field. I would vastly prefer an open beta, but even that may not catch everything because people have to use this to make a living, and might hesitate to install a beta version ... so it's not going to be the same as release. But I do have to agree that I also expect a release not to have these kinds of issues.
First, on behalf of AMX I am sorry for any problems that are occurring and thank you for your continued participation in the forums.
My personal experience has been no crashes on a year old Dell laptop. I did my current install on top of a beta v3.0 install on top of v2.8 which was installed on top of v2.7. That is as far as this machine goes back. I am wondering how may previous installs some of you are running that are experiencing issues.
Since this thread is not growing very much, can we assume most users are having pretty good luck?
I suggest you continue to pursue any issues directly with AMX tech support. They just might have some good ideas to try. I would also consider your number of open applications verses processor speed and available RAM.