AMX Max TP Files

in MAX by AMX
As many of you probably know, there are three AMX distributed TP files for the MAX System. Two come with the duet module and one is available for download off of the website here:
Oddly enough, the channel assignments on the download above are 100% incorrect. Has anyone gone through these and changed them to match the module button assignments? If so, would you be willing to post the files? Or, did you change the button array to match the new TP layout? If so, would you be willing to post that?
Thank you,
Oddly enough, the channel assignments on the download above are 100% incorrect. Has anyone gone through these and changed them to match the module button assignments? If so, would you be willing to post the files? Or, did you change the button array to match the new TP layout? If so, would you be willing to post that?
Thank you,
I cannot speak to this myself since we just don't do the Max anymore. But, I would say that, if what you say is accurate, AMX would be very interested in correcting the problem. You should send it to tech support. That's a pretty serious problem.
I find it funny that the HT touch panel files are what they use in the AMX experience centers - like at the HQ here in Richardson TX. So someone got it working... I now get to ask how. I plan on calling this morning.
After dorking around with MAX for a while, I see why many dealers have abandoned it and headed to competing products. I had hoped that AMX had a module and UI that were as solid as the kaleidescape module and UI, but that is not quite the case to say the least.
The last one of these I installed did not make it to day three. The homeowner gave the onscreen UI and product capability a big NO THANKS - and that was three years ago. I though things had changed in the HT version, but it is not looking like it. I have some more exploring to do, but first impressions are not looking so good.
Max Support suggest using the netlinx module and not the duet module. netlinx has seen more development than the duet version. The netlinx module is written around the HT templates I referenced above and not the files included in the duet module zip.
I am glad this is going to be an easy swapout.
Did they ever fix the 'Max UI on port 1 only' problem? I cannot stand the fact that this module has some of the TP navigation embedded within the comm file. It would send my client's TPs to the Max startup page without provocation.
I deleted that page, and I found in the UI module (which is not a tko, thankfully, but full code) where the port 1 thing is and corrected it myself. Unfortunately, I can't tell you exactly where it is, as I have to run out the door in 5 minutes. If I get a chance later, I'll see if I can dig it up again.
We don't do Max anymore. I was just curious. However, now that I type this others might benefit from your info. So, go ahead and fuss, I suppose.
thanks Dave
It would appear that not much has changed from a module standpoint or a product standpoint in the last several years -- which is sad quite honestly. At this price point, I think it is fair to say that the product as a whole is not on par with other products in the market place. AMX has consistantly strived to have best of breed brands in their family of companies, but this one seems to buck the trend.
The best part for me is that for the vast majority of what we are looking for out of the product, it is just software development -- can you say a Rewind Button that works?
Is there a way to make forum stickies?
1) UI 1.65 Tips/Tricks/Hacks/Things that you would not know unless we told you
2) Feature Requests
3) Bux Fixes (Requests and Solutions)
I assume they are in a "sustain" mentality regarding MAX and other non-core product lines, and probably wondering what the future holds for these items. It would be my guess that tech support would not know, but senior leadership would know. Tech support would have a pulse on how many units are actually in the field and the rate of new callers supporting the idea of new product sales.
If the product is going to remain stagnant or die, is it responsible to allow dealers to continue to sell it? Each product sold extends the end-of-life date for the product and logistics tale for support of the product.
I would love to see how many units are still selling. Based on the lack of activity in this forum, it would seem that only a few dealers are selling the product and those dealers have done it long enough to understand its limitations and complications.
Personal frustration asside, some of the product could be really great if they pursued them. An answer to adagio would be to take a matrix audio piece and bolt on a 3103 sig. One box - comprable solution.
I don't know how pricing differentials map out in the States, but in the UK the price difference between Max and KScape mean that it's effectively impossible to sell Max. I'm astonished it remains a live line but that's from a UK perspective